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Jeff's exotic fish


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has anybody ordered from here? do they have good livestock? what are their shipping rates like?

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I've never ordered from them, but I've shopped there in person.


Their fish selection is pretty sparse, so most fish that you order will have to wait for them to special-order from their supplier. Time will depend on how hard it is to locate. But in general, their fish have looked pretty healthy. Quite a few times I've seen them quarantining fish that came in unhealthy, which I would hope means they keep an eye out for problems and don't pass them on to the customers.


As for corals, I don't know how anyone could stand to mail-order corals. When I buy in person, I spend an hour just scrutinizing over exactly which piece I want, weighing and debating. But anyway... their stock of corals is pretty good, and generally quite healthy. The only corals I've ever seen looking sad there were sun corals. But then, they look sad just about every store I see them at. They never get the proper attention (ie feeding). I would absolutely never mail order a sun coral (or any other non-photosynthetic coral), they really need to be selected in person.


I don't have a clue about their shipping rates, but their packaging people do a top-notch job.


I'd avoid their clean-up critters, though. They always look in such miserable shape there. Snail and crab tanks have about a 3:1 ratio of dead to living specimens. Maybe that's how they receive them, but it just looks so bad to me.



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I just got an order from them the stuff was in super shape was 1 shrimp dead told me to mail it back and they would credit. Everything else is in good shape i live in NJ so shipping was 8 buck for the box and 35 bucks for fedex overnight recive befor 10 am est. they may have cheaper rates i asker for that shipping


hope this helps

( i got 2 cardnials, brittle star and 2 peppermint shrimp)

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great prices and pretty good quality! i almost buy exclusively from him. he seems to get disproportionately large specimens on his shipments : . he probably slips the collectors something extra. :P


his specials are good too if you happen to want what he's offering that week. i'm on his weekly mailer for his specials. i've actually bought a couple of times just because of the specials.


i don't recommend the 9 corals for $xx deals though. too much addition at one time. he sometimes runs a 10 coral offer too!

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Being a trans shipper also, I tried him. I was HIGHLY dissapointed.

I agree 110%with MK. I drive 2 hours away to handpick my stuff and can spend 4 + hours in the invert section alone at MY reg places in NY and surrounding states. Of course there are times when I get crappy stuff too, but I ordered from jeffs 3 seperate occasions and even had a 300 # drop shipment of his "premo" live rock...... To be Completely honest.. Ive seen Cinderblocks in Junk yards with more growth on them. as far as sizes, some were indeed nice sized, and the 9 fer 99 deal Blows..... unless U like gumball sized corals.

I do however have to COMMEND his return policy.... I did get a prompt refund on some fish that "kicked the bucket" in transit.

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I ordered from them once and had a couple of deaths in my order but they immediately refunded the difference. Unfortunately, I get most of my livestock shipped to my office and the delivery guys tend to ignore the LIVE FISH markings on the box and they toss the box around, deliver late etc..


I think Jeff's store is not his main inventory. I think (I might be wrong here - too much partying in my youth makes for a bad memory) they have another location, like Aquacon, that houses the bulk of their stock.



Try Marine depot and flying fish express. I have had only the best results with them.

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Jeff's store is his warehouse. Like MKramer I get to go there to shop, and I can't imagine mail ordering fish or corals. I would drive hours to not have to mail order.


The only problem I have had with buying stuff there is the hermits have just been empty shells twice. Once I took them back and this last time I didn't. Next time I go in I'm going to mention it to Jeff.


Jeff's has nothing to do with Aquacon.

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