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sixline wrasse


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don't mean to beat the stocking questions to death but...what else am i suppose to do with my tank cycles? zzz


according to this site 10g min for a sixline. according to several people 10g is okay for a sixline. according to several people 10g is too small.


so what do you guys think? yes or no? looking for personal experiences, and opinions. the sixline would be the only fish in the tank.



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smaller six line would be fine. they can get to be 3 to 4" and at

adult size would probably be too big. I had a six line for a few months in my 10 but removed it when I got sexy shrimp. very cool fish, always out in front and adds some nice color.

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okay, i just need to give up on the sixline...:ermm:


so let me ask you this...

you get one fish, for 10g, better be a good one, what do you have or what would you get?


this should be fun...

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I love my Sixline. It is very actice and fun to watch. I say get the Sixline and one other small fish. My suggestions would be a False Perc, Royal Gramma, Purple Firefish, Yellow Watchman Goby, or Clown Goby.


But you won't be sorry with the Sixline. The way he files in and out of the rockwork is great entertainment.



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