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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Got a Maxima


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well, i was at the fish store today and i saw the coolest baby maxima. i know its very hard to keep up clams, considering light and water quality, but i decided to take a chance. i got the little guy and put him near the top of my tank next to my GSPs making it the center piece of the aquarium. i fed him some phyto and he seemed to open up almost immediately. i'll keep track of his progress and tell you all how hes doin. WW

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sounds great, keep an eye on your shrimp though.


i never trust shrimps or crabs with clams. on hermits i only use blue-legged and true scarlets. i'm suspicious of my left-handed hermits, hmm

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I want to say Good Luck to you and I mean it.

I am very scared of clams with small PC's such as yours, I tried a squamosa under 1x32W and 2x55W and under both he was turning tan instead of yellow. In The Reef Aquarium Vol. 1 Delbeek and Sprung say that clams can be kept under VHO's and PC's but they dont go into specifics and I am not sure how they did it. Please keep us informed on his coloration and how wide he is open and not gaping etc.

With your Maxima being as small as he is supplimental feeding through a tube (cut open Soda bottle works well) will be needed till he is about 3". After that just feed the tank. Live phytoplankton is best (DT's) but there are some spray dried products out there that aren't bad.



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The one i've got is about 1 and a half inches long and is not yet acclimated to its lighting scheme. meaning that its got little blue spots but still has a translucent brown color everywhere else, kind of like what a blue mushroom looks like when its extended. so far he seems to love the tank since i stuck him about 6 inches below the light on a piece of live rock and fed him some phyto. hes opening up very nicely considering i bought him today and i've noticed hes very sensitive to light changes, its Great! I named him Chowder!

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make sure your calcium and alk stay up or are up. if not your clam will be very very very unhappy. you will have to dose i am sure...they eat up a lot of alk and ca



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I found a site that sells cultured clams for real cheap (1 1/2 " for about 15- 20 bucks) and was thinking of snagging one but a friend who works at the lfs (it's a good one) told me that they lose close to 80% of the babies that come in a shipment. He said that they aren't worth the effort, even though they are so damned pretty (and in this case cheap). He then told me he had some nice pulsing Xenia that has taken over his tank and he would be happy to leave a frag or two at my apartment, free of charge. Taking the Xenia and waiting on the clam.

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Good luck with your new clam!


I have an ultra maxima in my 20g under 55watts PC and 20watts NO and it is doing very well. No loss of color, in fact it has increased some of the more intense blue coloration. DT's is probably the best thing you can feed your clam. I give mine 2 teaspoons every other day and it is growing. Keep up with your water changes and you should be fine. One other thing to mention, not only keeping your calcium levels up, but watch your PH too...they like it between 8.0 and 8.3....anything higher and you can have some real problems.

Watch your shrimp carefully. It is common for new clams to give off a mucus when first introduced into an aquarium. Shrimp and crabs will find this rather tasty. If this happens, try and isolate the clam from them for a week or so. Also, even though you don't have a starfish now, you should know not to add one to a clam tank. Starfish are known predators of clams and even reef safe ones, if hungry, will take a clam.

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crakeur do those guys with small clams ship? If you could give me the site and help out a fellow reefer that would be great. thanks. Also, these guys like a stable pH. Just wanted to add that. They're pretty sensitive to swings in it.

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