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Xenia and Anthelia


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Hi! I tried few times on my xenia and anthelia, no one survive. Hopefully can figure out what's the problem.


My 1st and 2nd frag were in my old tank which is more than 86F, too hot? I add a fan. The third frag died in a night, maybe I used the wrong water ( tap with stress coat). So, I learn the lesson, I switch to RO/DI and run 40% water change weekly.


This is my new tank, and my 4th frag, they survive finally. But getting smaller and stress...please help me here!!


2nd days I purchase






I move them to different spot and flow. Almost the same.

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Check your temp. Xenia do best around 79*. They will crash with heat, very quickly.


Also check your salinity, alk, phosphates, and nitrates.


Yup, I check every week and everything stable and good condition.



86 is certainly too hot. I keep my tank around 78 and everything is happy.


Is time for a chiller? I notice some of the people able to keep it in 85F. But why?


does sound like temperature issues now. That one looks like a goner, thats what mine looked like before they died.


Temperature is my last concern. I'm saving my credit to buy a chiller. So sorry about your xenia :mellow:

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Is time for a chiller? I notice some of the people able to keep it in 85F. But why?

maybe because they bought it when their tank was at moderate temps but then in the summer the temps stay around 85F and the xenia had time to adapt to a hotter temp over the months.

I had zoas arrive having been heated too much by a heat pack (same shipment as my dead xenia btw) and they didnt make it. Yet I've had all my zoas in my 3 gal survive 90F very well this past summer. Not going to put them through that again, so got a chiller for both my tanks.

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I still think that the problem is the temp. Every tank is different from one another. Each tank is unique.


Some can keep xenia at 85-86F does not mean that you will be able to do the same.


Some cannot even keep xenia at 78-79 and there are some reefers who cannot keep xenia at all.

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maybe because they bought it when their tank was at moderate temps but then in the summer the temps stay around 85F and the xenia had time to adapt to a hotter temp over the months.

I had zoas arrive having been heated too much by a heat pack (same shipment as my dead xenia btw) and they didnt make it. Yet I've had all my zoas in my 3 gal survive 90F very well this past summer. Not going to put them through that again, so got a chiller for both my tanks.


Yes. My zoas are great, they are the survival from my tank crash together with my gorgonian. What kind of chiller that you used?


I still think that the problem is the temp. Every tank is different from one another. Each tank is unique.


Some can keep xenia at 85-86F does not mean that you will be able to do the same.


Some cannot even keep xenia at 78-79 and there are some reefers who cannot keep xenia at all.


Yup. I think the last solution will be the temperature. Some people cannot keep their gorgonian, including my LFS, but not me. They improve a lot compare to the day when I purchased. I snapped a photo and showed to my LFS worker, they cannot believe it.


Maybe no luck with Xenia and Anthelia, or "Fengshui" problem? :P:D:P:D

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