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I recently aquired a new 55g and want to make it a FOWLR tank,because I already have a 18gh nano. I want bigger fish for the 55. Anyone have any ideas. The 18gh nano has


1 yellow tail damsel

1 domino damsel

1 black velvet neon

1 electric blue

1 tomato clown


I dont want any damsels in the 55g because I have enough damsels already.

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Whew that is just a few fish there. I am going to wagger that most are going to tell you that is to many fish for an 18 High. Take the Tomato, and the black velvet out and put them in the 55 for starters, or if everyting is cool in the 18 leavem and get a Flame angel, Coral Beauty, or maybe a school of chromis. I love the look of the Flame Angel becuase of it's briliance, but the Coral beauty is just as pretty under good lighting. In a 55 you should have a max of two main large fish like small angels, triggers, or Tangs. As far as small fish go I like the Mandrin Gobys(hard to feed), Clowns, 6 line wrasses, snowflake eels, and all kinds of Grammas.

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flame or coral beauty would be good, i'd also throw a bicolor or pygmy as another possible choice of dwarf angel. and a 55 doesn't provide enough swimming room for tangs IMO.

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In my opinion, your inhabitants of the 18 is about right for your 55 (and that 18 must be super aggressive with 5 damsels in there!). A 55 is too small for a tang, trigger, butterfly, or other fish in that size range.

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I have to disagree. I have 2 tangs in my 55. One regal(blue) tang, and a yellow tang they are both about 6-7 inches but the yellow is a little smaller. They get along fine and seem to have plenty of swimming room IMO. they both have great healthy colors and get along with every one else. I also have in my 55 2 B&W percs. one watchmen gobie, and a baby 5 inch snowflake eel. The eel will be going into the 200 gallon when he gets big enough to hold his own in there.(It's my AGGRESSIVE TANK).


Hope this helped a little on your decission on weather to get a TANG or not. I love mine.



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