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My New Minibow


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making sure it looked ok with the filter...



adding sand..



after adding my rock & live sand seed



getting clearer






detail photo showing the coralline on the rocks & sponge



photo from the right side



over all photo



fuge photo

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I think I have a lot of life on my rocks. There are at least 2 kinds of sponges, and numerous "tubes" that look like they might be feather dusters or something. There are also 4 or 5 different bivalves, all moving slowly open and closed. One is BRIGHT orange, and about 1/2 the size of a dime. Pretty cool..


There are 2 encrusting sponges (or the kind that grow low accross the rocks), and one that looks like a mini version of the kind of sponge you'd use to wash your car. I hope they survive..


There is also a worm coming out of a peice of rock, where it broke in shipment. Imagine a worm having bored into the center of the rock, just now having been exposed. It extends and retracts every so often. Otherwise it just kind of flops around in the current.


There are also 4 or 5 kinds of macro growing in the tank. From calcifying types (Money plant, I think it's called?) to dark red kinds that might just be really little sea urchins - thats how they look. There are also ones that look like mini trees, and are dark brown.


Add to all that green coralline, and the normal dark purple coralline. There is also some blue coralline (?) in one spot - which I've never seen before. I also have the dark red kind.


And.. a whole bunch more life that I'm sure I'm missing. I want some polyps or something to show up! I want it all hehe.. I want to have a full tank without having to buy anything but the rock


There are a bunch of snails that just are not moving... I hope they made it. Do snails play dead?


I'm going to sneak up on it tonight after the lights go out and see if I can find anything else.

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Oh, sorry! I have 9 lbs of Kaelini cured rock from Premium Aquatics. I paid $4.99 a pound for it, plus shipping and handling.


My tank is a 7G minibow, with the CSL 32W retro kit on it. It will have a minijet 404, and currently just has an AquaClear 300 and surface skimmer. I'm using the AC300 as my fuge. The fuge has a 13W 6700K light over it from AHSupply

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Nice tank. The kaelini has some really great shapes. Are you happy with the surface skimmer?


I'll be getting the last parts of my MB7 in this week, and will hopefully fill it up Saturday if I can find the time.... I'm pretty set for equipment, all except for the surface skimmer.

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AquaClear 300 Refugium w/ Surface Skimmer I like how you did that. It looks clean. Can you give specifics. Where and how to connect the Surface Skimmer to the AC and if you changed the impeler?

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If you glance over the directions of the Ebo Jager heaters, they say not to bury, lay, or let them get into sand. I would also assume, you would not want them to get buried in rock either. Please consider removing the heater from its cave, as it is not effectively doing its job.

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The heater is not as burried as it appears. The way I cut the side panel to fit the heater into the AquaClear, the only hole for the water to go through is right where the heater is. In other words, any water that goes into the refugium has to go around the heater.


At any rate, I'll take it out tonight after class. I want to rearrange some of the rock, and I might as well just put the heater in the main tank =] I don't really like the compactness of the rock in the refugium, and want to arrange it so that it's a bit more loosely stacked.


I didn't change anything on the AquaClear, other than to silicone one side of the "basket" onto it (as well as the "screen" part to make a strainer over the output). The surface skimmer seems to really bring the flow down, and I don't think it's flowing enough for the tank actually.


I would strongly suggest just buying a fuge from Reefer_Budda instead of trying to do what I did.. I wish I had. The prices come out to be very close for his fuge or the DIY like I have. I think in the future I might switch over.

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Where can you find the surface skimmer online? DrFS and MarineDepot don't seem to carry them.


Also, can anyone tell me if the MicroJet ph is significantly smaller than the MiniJet? I got a minijet in today and damn, that thing is bigger than I thought.....

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I love Get Fuzzy - it's a great way to start the morning =]


I rearranged the rock today, and the fuge is much looser, even with the same amount of rock. I don't think it will be a problem for the heater. With all the lights on that tank, and no fans, I really doubt the heater will be on much at all anyway :)


I also moved the rock inside the tank around, and now I have a nice arch going on. I'll have to get a photo once I get back home (stupid section at 8pm.... grrr..)

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Hey can you show some more pics of the aquaclear fuge I am trying to build one and could use the help what size ph did you use? ther looks like there are lots of rocks in it. why? i am a newbe please forgive. and did you buy the skimmer online? or local?

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