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Cultivated Reef

New setup


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Hi, i'm new here but I have some experiace with SWT's and I want to setup up a little ten gallon nano.


Can a couple people give me a run down of what I'll need and the steps to do it all in. I have SOME money and have LOTS of patience.


I do know for lights though I was looking at 20" Moonlight with 2x65watts one bulb with 10,000k white daylight, and other its actinic blue for night time. I would like to have an anemone a couple of corals 2 B&W percs and some shrimp/snails.


Come you plz help me??








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Check out the begginer articles http://www.nano-reef.com/info/


here's a real breif basic layout

10g tank

Lighting 5w to 8w minimum will allow you to keep zoo's and shrooms but without much growth. You stated 2x65 so 130w over 10g = 13w per gallon ..

I'm not sure how big B&W percs get so you will want to do a little research on them to find out if a 10g is to small.

You stated you have some experiance with SWT's, anemones are hard to keep and often die quickly in tanks. Don't go for one until your tank is fully established (months and months etc...) even then many here will not touch anemone as they can well beyond are life span but rarely last a few years in a tank.... still your choice. Water flow will be 10x so you want atleast 100g per hour etc.. etc..

Read through the begginer articles and then start your search through old post. Thier are a lot of 10g in the board so enjoy


other basics

heater(s), test kits, blah blah blah... you will find most of this in the begginer articles... etc..


But to get going

Tank, lights, water movement and heat. put in a LSB and some LR watch the rock do nothing for a month or so ( stuff will still happen :) ) Then wait until your tank is cycled




Click here to begin your search or use the search in the top corner

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thx for your help I am thinking about a DSB but not sure yet. If anyone has any other input they think is vital or I should know plz feel free to post it.


Thx guys

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Do a search on DSB in a 10g and you will find mixed reviews

some say it makes a diff. some say the bottom just harden's and becomes a nitrate factory. ... poke around and see




and don't forget this is fun but the begging can seem like it can take forever

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