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I have a peice of decorative coral in my tank that is covered in green algae. My question is, should I take it out and scrub it or just take it out and throw it away. It's really the only place in my tank I am having trouble with algae. Is there a reason for this?


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If it is a piece of acropora or something, I pet your snails cant get down in it to eat the algae off the surface. If you can put it somwhere in your tank where it wont be unsightly, I say leave it. Because it will be a home for algae that might otherwise end up on your glass, and it will be a good place for copepods to hide.

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If u want it to be Bone White again, use a bucket with a 20 % solution of bleach and water. Let the coral soak fer a day ot 2.

Rinse the heck out of it, then soak it in Plain Water for a day. rinse it again, and let it air dry.

PRESTO ! bleached Curio Coral.


AND For my next trick.....

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No, I don't want it bone white again. It looks quite natural as it is except the algae is really gross. It comes off easily if I stir up the water but I can't keep up with it. I guess I will leave it alone and hope it runs it's course. Thanks for your responses.

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Use a tooth brush(new one) on it to get rid of the algae. I doubt it will stay off for long. If your tank isnt newish and going through the normal algae phases then your stuck with it getting covered. The skeleton corals are porous which attracts debris which causes algae. Like Korbin said the snails/hermits dont clean that type of decorations, atleast mine never did. If you really like it you'll just have to clean it by hand ever so often.

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