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My cycle is close to coming to an end and I am preparing for a small water change. I plan on keeping a reef tank and was wondering what critters should I add first and how many? I know the basic routine is to add inverts, then fish, and then down the line coral. Is there a limit to how many inverts I should add each time? Also, can I add a couple of shrimp to the tank while I am adding the inverts or should I wait a little and add them right before I start to add fish? Any help will greatly be appreciated!!

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Invert > fish > coral is not necessarily the common theme. Most people start out with some form of clean up crew after their cycle finishes. After that personally I would get some hardy soft corals (shrooms, zoo's, or other polyps) and wait a month or so. Fish have significantly more bio-load on a system than corals and inverts and a more established tank will be in a better condition to adapt to the increase load. Just my opinion though.

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