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Coral Vue Hydros



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I'm supposed to glue my gorgonia's to live rock with Super glue gel. But I can't take them out of the water? Does the glue work underwater without killing everything else?

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yes U can and yes it will be ok. Hit the search function and type in key workds like " superglue" , Fraging, Attaching frags, and what not. B)

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why cant you remove them from the water?

I mounted two different gorgonians and documented them on my website. I removed both for a short time from the water.



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I Have never heard that before.

Exactly what species of Gorgonian are you mounting.

Most corals can be exposed for short times without harm, alot of corals on the atolls and high reefs are exposed during Low-Tide.

Sponges as a rule should not be exposed to air, or for sure as little as possible (due to thier porus nature) Air pockets can form and the sponge will rot in that area.



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To answer your question, yes Superglue gel will adhere under water. You will notice the bead of glue develop a white film as soon as it hits the water. As soon as you attatch your frag to the LR, the film will burst and voila! it will adhere almost instantly.

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That way will get bad results IMO

First off super glue sets immediately when exposed to water thus, the film. so now you are going to break the film underwater and try and make it adhere to an already wet surface. some will stick but if you got any flow in there its gonna come loose in a day or three.

Heres a link to a way that works for me everytime:




Granted I have been successfull once or twice applying it underwater but many more times headache and sorrow were the results. If you do go ahead and mount it under water put a blob on the coral and on the rock and squish em together that seemed to work sometimes.

Good Luck,


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I think I will just drill holes and let them take hold on thier own. Placing them in a low current part of tank.


Thanks for the info Toy

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