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Coral Vue Hydros

How to keep your sand clean?


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I have a 6 gallon eclipse with 32 watt 50/50 and 2 13 watt actinics and was wondering how to keep the sand clean of algae?


I also have about 7 hermits and 4 snails.

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Ask seamountain about the suck and spit method.


Or try Cerith snails and a conch.


What type of algae? It is okay to stir the very top layer, very lightly on a DSB which should help. agressive waterchanges will also slow it's growth.


But I am not sure how advanced this question is.

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nassarius snails, conches, hermits usually do the trick. on my tank, on top of my hermits, i just lightly rake the top layer. what kind of algae is it?

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Many reefers think that the only important places to have good flow in the aquarium are where the corals are. I make sure to have just as much going across the bottom of the tank to prevent the crap from settling on the bottom, and remain in suspension long enough for the overflow to pick up and take out of the system. If that isnt enough/possible, critters do help, but only so much. I mean, they eat it, but then what? Do they report to the filter intake to dump it like we use tiolets? No, they put the organics back into the sand. Sure, it might be a little more processed, but still organic and capable of making nitrates. Removal is the only true way.


Perhaps another powerhead, or re-directing an old one to blow across the bottom would be good.

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matt the fiddler

i have a small powerhead under all my LR moving current to keep the sand clean ... you need current with out disrupting.. say any shrooms you have sitting in the murky depths. i got 8 cerths.. and they help- though could use about 10 more..



how deep is your sand?

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  • 3 weeks later...
matt the fiddler

some gobys are bad for sand beds.. be careful.. i think that goby will eat all the worms and small critters that naturally turn over your bed, and naturally feed your tank.

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