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Cultivated Reef

Ph question


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How can I maintain Ph? I read that you can use (Arm n' Hammer)baking soda to do so. But how much would I use? I have a 20g but with all the LR and LS its probaly 12-15g's of water. Also where could I find the pickling lime(Mrs Wages pickling lime) I've read about as a Kalkwuaser substitute. As I don't have much money I would like to go these routes instead of the pricy LFS brands.

Please reply quickly. Much appreciated, Matt

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yeah but you need 2 different kind of baking soda in order to maintain a buffer. i remember reading something about it. i think it was at RC tho. might want to go to RC and search for it.

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When doing a water change will that be enough so I don't have to dose anything. Since all that is in there now is LR, there isn't anything to deplete the Ca. Am I right or should I dose anyway just to help it with the extra Ca?

Should all I really do is a water change. Say, once a week at 3g. I know i've read that in a nano that is really all you need. Since the IO salt should contain all the minerals or whatever. Any merit to that? What do you guys do. I just want to help my coralline algae grow good.

Thanks aqain, Matt

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well since you Lr is probably covered with coralline already. the coralline will deplete the Ca because coralline is compose of Ca. since you have a 20g. buying a bottle of Reef Calc and Reef Chem for probably around $10 a bottle, but each bottle will last you months since you would use about 1mL per wk. and a bottle contains about 100mL. a water change will put trace elements back into the tank but each salt brand differ in the amount it puts back. so you might really want to be carefull with that.

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Cool, thanks for clearing that up for me HuBu, Kent kalk will work just the same as what you mentioned right, since I think thats all my LFS carries. without me doing an hour drive to the next closest LFS.

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