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Just throw a few shells in and he will move when its time.


I had a hermit that stayed in one small shell for over a year. He was a hitch hiker so I didn't have any other shells for it.

Anyways I finaly got a few shells and threw them in. He moved and then started molting to fit the larger shell.

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I put about 3 Lbs of Garf Grunge Plus in my tank, has lots of little shells in it. When I added my 5 blue legs, they all traded in their shells. It looked like a used car lot! all these crabs test driving different shells. If they didn't like one, they would try another. I had to laugh when one got into a big ole caddy after trading in his sub compact only to find he couldn't drag it up the LR, so he went back to try another.


Throw a few shells in there with em and watch how quick, and how often, they change out.


*After reading this, I realized I need to get a life :(

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