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NEW 15g DIY tank site is up


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Greetings everyone, :)

I've just set up my new site for my 15g DIY tank.




This is just a temporary site til my main site: www.electrocoral.com is finished. I've got pics of my old 10g nano and updated pics of my new 15g DIY tank. Everything is built from scratch and I will document it later on when I update the site. Enjoy and let me know what you think, thanks.

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Long time no see denkigroove.

wow, it's lookin great. I really want to see the DIY section.

Did you get your hippo tang that way ? It's lookin really skinny (don't worry, i'm not gonna flame u for having a tang in a 15g)


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Thanks NanoReefer53,

Well the hippo tang is about an inch big. I took the pic when I got back from a trip so it was like 3 days he was not fed. Well I know the tangs aren't suppose to be in nano tanks but this one was so small that I had to have him! :P


I hope to have my DIY up soon but I am gonna post on 4 seperate tanks I've set up: 15g DIY, 72g bow-front, and two 90g. Each one will feature DIY in plumbing, lighting, electrical, and sump/refugium setup (cept the 15g which will have DIY for everything).


By the way, I like your site also, any updated pics on tank progress? I was hoping to use flash for mine (but its html only) so that will be used on my electrocal.com page instead.

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My parents just got their ~$600 camera sold so we're getting a good digi cam after the buyer's check comes in. After that, i'll go on a picture spree :P I'm mainly concentrating on SPS right now so i'm waiting for the frags to grow out. My site dosen't use flash (although i'd love to, but i need to learn how ??? ), just a lil java here and there.

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Wow man you have some awesome tank and very good pics.


I really like your setups. I love the water ripple effect created by the halides.


Superb tanks. Well done dude. I am hoping one day to have colourful tank like yours.

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Denkigroove- I must say your tank setup is absolutely gorgeous. I hope my tank comes out half as nice as yours. The sump/refugeum is without a doubt my favorite part of the whole thing. Good job on being resourceful.


p.s. Not a bad site either....!

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Hey guys,

I added a few more pics of my 15g, full view of the stand and canopy. I reworked the button links so page will prolly get a complete overhall by next week , haha. I started on my 10g DIY page and I will try to update the 15g by this weekend. Thanks for stopping by.

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why would anyone want a set up that looks crappy like that.


LOL, your tank looks amazing. i hope mine gets there someday and i hope i have the $$ to DIY some more tanks/stuff someday



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Forgot to mention, you gonna need FLASH player??? to check out my new site b/c the menu screen is made from flash. Otherwise you can't navigate the site, I will try to fix this later with an html option, regards. :)


If you like, you can go to the site and download flash player for your computer, takes less than a minute to download.



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Tien Nguyen.... not from Grand Prairie, TX by any chance?? ;) I'm sure that's probably like asking someone "Are you the John Smith I went to high school with??" :D Very nice nanos, denki... Best of luck!

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