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Reverse Osmosis Machine - no plumbing version?


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I've got a 3 gallon pico and I've been using Petco's Real Ocean Water for my water changes. Recently however, they haven't been stocking it much (not sure if they are phasing it out or what). So it looks like I'm going to have to start making my own.


The problem is I need reverse osmosis water. My Walmart and Target don't have the dispensers I've seen mentioned on some of the forums. The only RO water I can find are Freshwater One and betta water at Petco which is what I use for top off - it would be too expensive for salt mixing though. Also, my landlord isn't too keen with me messing with the kitchen or bathroom plumbing, so I was wondering if there are reverse osmosis machines out there that don't hook up to your faucet. I'm thinking something along the lines of a machine that has a container or something you can fill up with water. Does anyone know if something like that exists?

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Um none that are effective come to mind. What exactly is the problem with hooking up a faucet adapter to a RO/DI unit and running the line down the drain?


when you have enough water you just remove it. Just remember to keep the membrane wet. Maybe have a few valves set up to keep some pressure in the unit.


Airwaterice and spectrapure;both sponsors, have cheap basic units.

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In the water section at walmart the green capped "drinking water" is RO water. If you look at the label it says processed by reverse osmosis.


I've been using that for the last month with zero problems.


Cost is 88 cents a gallon here.

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Do you have a washer and dryer hookup in your apartment? If so, you can get a Y adapter and split the washer hookup. That's what I did, so there's no permanent connection. I have the RO/DI plumbed into a plastic container and float valve for automatic shutoff. Been working for over 5 years. BTW, I got everything at AirWaterIce.

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It runs on pressure. You must have 50+ psi of water pressure to force good water through the membrane. So running it from a bucket won't work unless you have a crazy pump going, which would cause more of a plumbing risk than hooking it up to a faucet temporarily. You can even set the whole thing in the bathtub if you want to be safe, then connect to bathroom sink. no way it could destroy your appt then ;) ;)

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Just get a mighty might from air water and ice. That is what I use. It is perfect for a nano tank. You will save tons of money. The water you are buying from petco is super exspensive. Isnt it like 15 dollars for 5 gallons?

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Just get a mighty might from air water and ice. That is what I use. It is perfect for a nano tank. You will save tons of money. The water you are buying from petco is super exspensive. Isnt it like 15 dollars for 5 gallons?


Pay attention though because the mighty mite comes in two versions.


There is one with DI and one without.


(I found out the hard way)

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Any RO/DI can be portable and hook up to the faucet easily. i would not go with the small units like the Mighty Mite, they really have no advantages and lots of disadvantages. The yuse the same top bracket as most full size RO/DI units so the physical size or footprint is the same, they are just a few inches shorter in height. The replecement filters do not come in the micron sizes we normally like to use for RO/DI water like 1 micron and lower, are harder to find, are smaller so do not last as long or process as much water per filter and usually more expensive. Calculate the cost over a year or two and you spend more money on the small systems. Plus they do noy have a TDS meter, inline pressure gauge, clear housings and other things.

Stick with a normal RO/DI if you are going to purchase one but in your case buying gallon jugs of Distilled water at the grocery is you best option with a Pico system.

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Thanks for the info guys. I'll admit I don't know much about RO filters. When I was searching online, I kept seeing pictures of them installed under the sink. I didn't know there where ones that easily connect to a faucet spicket - I guess that wouldn't be too bad.


That said, I may try to take AZDesertRat's advise and go with distilled or maybe that green capped "drinking" water from Walmart. I originally used distilled for top off (Acadia brand) and I started having problems with my button polyps and zoas. I then switched to the Fresh Water One stuff a little while back and they seemed to be doing better (they finally opened back up!). Coincidence or not, I'm thinking I'm going to get some more test kits - specifically a copper test kit. Are there any other metals I should test or is copper really the only one you have to worry about with bottled water?

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In almost all cases you DO NOT want anything labelled Drinking Water. RO drinking water is usually just that RO only and not RO/DI so still has questionable TDS or dissolved solids. Many are also remineralized which makes the TDS even higher but tastes great since it contains minerals.

First choice is always your own RO/DI. Second would be RO/DI from a trusted source who has a TDS meter and will demonstrate to you it has no TDS, this could be a higher end LFS even. Third choice for smaller quantities would be gallon jugs of distilled water, copper is very very rare today as most stills are glass or epoxy lined exotic metals with no copper.

Fourth would be RO only from a Water & Ice type store which is staffed and will again show you the conductivity or TDS readings, most take pride in their store and do an excellent job.


From there it goes downhill and I would not buy water anywhere without owning a $25 TDS meter of my own if I have to purchase water from a grocery or vending machine.


TDS is you easiest measurement of water quality and meters are very inexpensive. Do a search for the HM Digital TDS-3, I'll bet you can find one shipped for less than $25 total.

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