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Upgrading Tropical Tank - Advice Gratefully Appreciated


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I already 2 tropical tanks and want to turn the third tank into a nano reef. It is a London Aquatic Centre L338 - 15"x15"x10"(w) it has an integral sponge filter and two 8w tubes in the hood. The filter shoots out water causing a current (powerhead?).


I am really trying to understand all the equipment talk but it is just not going in! It would be really helpful if someone could point me in the right direction;


(a) Is the filter any use and would the maturation (from being used as a tropical tank until recently) be relevant to becoming a reef. Would I need an additional filter? I am planning on lr and ls.


(B) Would I need an additional powerhead?


© Would I need to (be able to) upgrade the lights. I am planning on soft corals, snails, crabs and a clownfish or two.


I am scared to ask in my local fish shop as I know they will look down their noses at the idea of such a small reef but I know it can be done! In anticipation...

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On the top of this board under "information" is some great articles to get started. But to answer a few specific questions for you.


1) Your Live Rock and Live Sand will be your filtration.

2) Best to get your tank set up with live rock etc before you decide if you need more circulation.

3) You WILL need to upgrade your lighting. Check out getting some kind of PC (power compact) lighting. You can buy retro-fit kits to fit your need.


and don't listen to your LFS, read and ask questions here. Nano tanks are a little different than our larger brothers ;)

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Thanks v much for your help I will be getting my arse down to Wet Pets on Wednesday for my lr and ls yay!


Just to clarify a couple of points though please:


1. Should I still leave my filter in place?

2. What wattage of lighting should I aim for?


Its starting to feel like it could be a reality now...

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Personally I would take out the sponge and any other biological filter that might be there. I am not familiar with the tank size, since it is a UK type thing :P , but it looks like a 2X32w CSL retrofit might be a perfect fit. It is 14" long and about 6.5" wide. You can go ahead and get your LR and LS in there and start thinking about lighting options while your tank is cycling.

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isak's right, the biofilter for FW does not work in SW. you'll have to cycle from scratch.


you may want to look into T5 lighting since you're in England. i've heard it's easier to get than PC's. there's a couple of british reefers here and one or two are running/ran T5's.


first determine what you want or what you can afford to raise. that will (help) determine the rest. you may change you mind here and there as you sketch/list out your plans but it's a good way of planning a system out. don't skimp on the lighting, get the best you can afford for what you want.


welcome to reefing! ;)

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Originally posted by Linny

Thanks v much for your help I will be getting my arse down to Wet Pets on Wednesday for my lr and ls yay!


Just to clarify a couple of points though please:


1.  Should I still leave my filter in place?

2.  What wattage of lighting should I aim for?


Its starting to feel like it could be a reality now...


YOIKS!!!.......another Essex Person!.....now there's something I wasnt expecting to see on this board....most of the guys'n'girls on here are from the other side of the pond.....


Most of my Tropical set-up come from WetPets, although I've not been there of late.....


Good to see a "local" on here.


FYI, my nano has only been going about 3 weeks now.....and as of yesterday I'm the proud father of a couple of snails, and a couple of zebra hernits..... :)

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Thanks for all your lighting advice I don't really get it maybe hubby will be able to help - men are meant to be better at these things after all!


Mburton - where do you get your marine stuff from then? Would you recommend Wet Pets for it? I've seen some cute crabs at Urban Aquatics in Rainham have you been there?

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Well, I've got stuff from Swallow Aquatics in Rayleigh, Amwell Aquatics in Wickford and another place in Thornwood (Just off the M11 roundabout at Harlow), but I dont rember the name of the place at the moment.


We keep meaning to go to WetPets, as when we were looking for tropical stiff, we were inpressed with their Marine section......the guys who work there seem to know their stuff too.....



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We were meant to go to Swallows this weekend but didn't get the chance will def go next weekend.


Tranquility in Chadwell Heath is good for tropical too and they are getting a marine section soon.


Isn't it horrible when your having a boring day at work and you'd much rather be shopping for fishes or playing with your tanks!

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