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Coral Vue Hydros

siphon power?


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Hye again, Im worried about the issue of power failures. When everyone is talking about the siphoning effect that would happen, couldnt you keep the ref. going like this:

so that the water level at the return hose will still be above the main tanks water level... maybe this is crazy... srry about the idiotic drawing lol

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srry about that... the pic didnt work:(


well, anyway the refugium would have one end taller than the other obvously DIY or custom made)with a divider that divided the lower side and the taller side with a small opening in the bottom so they have 2 different water levels, w/ the taller side's water level higher than the main tank and the lower side lower than the main tank. I dunno if you follow, but ill try to get the diagram posted..

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umm, that seems way too complicated and hyper-superfluous. look into "drilling a siphon break." then, figure out, how much water will fill up the refugium. find a good normal level, and findout howmuch water from the tank it can hold...drill the siphon break...it's that simple. no need for all this, and where's the return pump? and i'm not sure if i understand, but it seems as though you're ignoring gravity and airpressure...please clarify.

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Yeah... I looked over it again and noticed the whole gravity thing and that it owuldnt work too. I didnt notice that it would have to have like a pump or somethin... it is craziness.. another try gone down the drain...;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am looking into making a fuge myself and am looking at plans for a ac500, but design looks kinda neat.... I think you can still make it work though. Couldn't you try to somehow, and very tightly, seal the tops of the two ends, creating a sort of wider "tube" in between the return tube and the intake tube? Sort of a newbie, so I'm probably way off, lol.

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