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Adding new sand to an established aquarium


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Just as the title says, can you add new sand over the old sand. Would this be okay. Adding new sad over the old one will cover the detrius and any algae.

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Should be fine, though if you have the right critters in your SB, there shouldn't be any detritus and algae. If you decide to add sand, get it wet and put it in a zip-loc baggie. Sink it to the bottom of the tank, then cut a corner off the baggie and slowly pour the sand out. This technique should minimize clouding.



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i think u should definatly and some more snails or hermits...but i add sand all the time...from other tanks to get a better DSB.......

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When you add sand to an existing bed you should only add 1/4 inch at a time and then wait a few days before adding more. This gives the sand critters time to adjust.

Another way to add the sand is to use a piece of PVC pipe that runs from the sandbed to just above the waterline. Pour the sand into the pipe (a funnel helps) and aim it where you want it with the pipe. This keeps your hands out of the tank.

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