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Innovative Marine Aquariums

I'm going to my LFS now


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Hey guys I am going to my LFS store and was wondering what I should get. Currently I have 1 percula, I toadstool, 1 bubble, 1 ricordia, 1 brown polyps, 1 greeb striped mushroom(hitchhiked)


I was thinking about a sand sifter and another coral and maybe a starfish or shrimp. Any suggestions??

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Don't get a starfish. There aren't any readily available that are reefsafe and that stay small enough for a 10 gal.


I'd go with a cleaner shrimp-they're awesome. See if your LFS has any live sand with bristlworms in it, or if they have any nassarius snails. They'll help the detritus in yoru sandbed. Just be careful of what they try to sell you in the way of sand sifting organisms.


For corals, an open brain or a meat coral would be nice.

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thanks for your reply. Now does the cleaner shrimp have a different name. MY LFS has peppermint shrmip, a coral banded shrimp and blood red shrimp.

For coral I thought about a xenia. they have a nice small piece.

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Peppermint Shrimp will work but there have been some reports of them eating small pylops.


Don't know much about Fire Shrimp except that they are beautiful but love to hide.


Skunk Cleaner is my favorite!

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i would not get the peppermint shrmip or the coral banded shrimp, their was athread i started about which shrimp i shoud get not to long ago[this week] the cleaner is either called a skunk...or cleaner....the fire shrimp is basically the same but diff. color....but the do not act as outgoing as the cleaners.....

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MEAT ! BEAT MEAT ! its whats for dinner.... its how reefs are done ! MEAT !


ahem.... Scolymia vitiensis or Cynarina Lacrymalis hehh.

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well after taking 30 mins to decide on what coral to get I got the green star polyps. Its not a big piece but hopefully it will spread out.

The polyps are not open fully yet, hopefully they will open up soon. I will get a pic up as soon as I can.

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i just bought a Fre boold shrimp...it is awsome..they eat detriots off the rocks and sand...they are like hermits in some way..but like the cleaner shrimps too...


My loves to come out and play with my 3 Skunk/Cleaner shrimps, and 2 peppermints...wow..i didn't realize i have 6 shrimps in my tank..hahaha



BTW,..get a Mantis if you can..but i don't think your perc will love him too much..heheh...

I just bought a 6" Mantis yesterday when i went with Matt...it is soooo cool...i have him by himself in a 10 gallon...i am just crossing my fingers that he won't break the 10 gallon glass!!!

I just fed him 2 gold fish and he finished them in like 15 minutes..

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