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need a little help...


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hey guys, i have a 5.5g right now that just cycled for 3 weeks. everything was reading 0, and so i decided to put the 3 frags that i had in my qt into the 5.5g. well they have been looking pretty unhappy for the past 2 days. i did a water test and the ammonia is 0, nitrates are 20, and nitrites are .5, salinity is 1.025, while ph is at 7.8! all of these parameters were fine before adding the corals. how do i go about correcting this issue? i don't feel like losing these guys. i do not have any inverts in the tank yet as my diatoms had come and gone on their own. did i do something incorrectly by adding these guys?

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should i do daily water changes until everything reads 0 again? if so, how many gallons daily? i have chemipure elite, and if i add that to the hob filter where the heater and floss is will that take these levels down to an acceptable level until the water changes give the tank enough time to stabilize?

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i have no idea about the chemipure elite, but i say keep doing 1 to 2 gallon water changes daily till nitrites are 0. ammonia seems good at 0 but seems like the nitrite eating bacteria are still not well established since you are still getting nitrite readings.

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Chemi elite is carbon and GFO which removes phosphates.I have always ran it in my systems. I went 3 months without it one time and I noticed the difference. Just do more frequent waterchanges until you see improvement and you will.

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