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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Nitrate levels in tap water


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My JBJ nano is on 9+ days after having water added. Ammonia is between .25 and 0 PPM and nitrites have been zero for 4 days in a row.


However, my nitrates sit at 20 PPM all the time. Just for fun I measured my tap water and found it is also at 20 PPM. I measured the tap water by getting it to about 80 degrees (estimated) and putting it into a newly washed test tube.


Also, I ran the same test on my cichlid tank's water (55 gal, canister filter) and the result is through the roof. It's so red that my best guess is very high to off the chart.


Note, I am using a saltwater ammonia test kit in ALL testing.


I will always use RO/DI in my saltwater tank from now on.


Is it bad for people to have 20 PPM in your tap water? And how about my cichlids? Would the saltwater test results be that skewed with that water?



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nitrates arent a concern in freshwater tanks. My tap water has tested at well over 60ppm with nitrates so 20 is very low. It would be a concern in a salt tank but for your cichlids i wouldnt worry.

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Good to know. In a few minutes I am going to hit Giant and Safeway in search of RO/DI water by the bottle. I need to not be putting tap water with 20 PPM nitrate in my saltwater tank.


On the whole it's good news though as it might mean my tank is done cycling already as ammonia is almost zero and nitrites have been zero for days. This increased nitrate could just be the crappy tap water.

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Trate in tap isn't an issue because it doesn't hurt us the way it can hurt sw tanks. If you do a search for tap water on here you'll see all the proof and reasons why to use pure ro or di water.



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Don't worry. The 20 PPM nitrate value is more than enough reason to never use tap water again for my saltwater tank.


For days I've been wondering why it never goes below 20 PPM in the tank. Now I know why.

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