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Coral Vue Hydros

Another ID (possible anemone?)


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Yes, not only am I posting one of those much-detested "please ID this weird thing" questions, but I'm doing it sans picture!


And I doubt anyone will have a snowballs chance in hell at making a correct ID, but it's worth a shot.


So I bought this piece of candy cane coral from the "help me, I'm almost dead" bin at Aquatic Outlet today. There were a couple of sponge-like things attached to it, which I planned on removing before placing in my aquarium. But as I'm acclimating it, one of the supposed sponges began to open up, with tiny little tentacles peeking through the opening.


So what started as a 1" diameter greenish pink clump, has now opened up to 1.5", and resembles, to my knowledge, some sort of carpet anemone. I'd describe it as a near-flat purple surface, covered in maybe 1-2mm long purple w/ green tip tentacles (tentacles are largest furthest from the center). In the center is a 2-3mm wide yellow/white mouth.


I've neer owned a mushroom before, but I was under the impression they don't close up like this thing does, so I'm guessing not a hairy mushroom. There is no apparent hard skeleton, does that rule out plate corals?


I'm really completely conjecturing here, but it seems to me like it's probably an anemone. Any other guesses?




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Okay, maybe I've narrowed it down here. I found some pictures of blue mushrooms (Rhodactus sp.) that look somewhat similar, especially the mouth. So maybe I was wrong about mushrooms. Do they actually fold up so that only the smooth pedal disc is visable, like other anemones?

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what u have is the link between shrooms and anemonies....most call them "rock anemonies" and are very in expensive[$4] although mine has a purple mouth ...they come in a variety of color[green brown , i think red but not sure] if i had a camera i would lost picks of mine but i dont....i will try to find a pic and post later....they do not require high lighting but u will haveto feed them...although without a pic i cant be completely sure u have this but it is my best guess......gl

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sounds like some one is taking a wak to the Comp USA and getting a cheapo AIPTEK Pencam and TAKING A PICTURE !

then return it HAHAHA.

shroom, could be a blastomusa coral, starlets, polyps, aiptasia, anything.

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While the tentacles aren't nearly as long on what I've got, and the fact that mine is purple and green, it looks pretty damn close.


If I wanted to remove this fella from my candy cane coral, can I just scrape him off the skeleton and attach him to a different rock?

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i am haveing a hard time finding a green one but....if u can see its "Foot" i cay go for it...if not it will be hard....if u touch it and it sticks to u then i am 80% sure it is a rock anenone...u could try to gently, and this will take a while[dont rush it!] persuade it off the rock......tell us how it goes.......

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Sorry Dave, completely missed your post up there.


I already have a cheapo cam. So cheap, it's actually a kid's camera. But it can't take shots up close very well. I tried a few of this shroom thing, but nothing turned out.


Is this AIPTEK Pencam actually half decent?



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AIPTEK Pencam is small, and made of plastic. its generaly a 45.00 POS , but it is what I use and it takes ok WEL LIT pics. and it can store 24 pics in hi res. it doubles as a webcam AND can do stop frame multiple images for 90 seconds. it has a self timer and high/low res settings. I like it...... cause > its cheep.


ps; it eats aaa batteries every month, so If I dont need it, I take them out.

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Not to completely derail this thread.... but can you point me to any places you have aquarium pictures that were taken with this cam?


I'd really appreciate it, as I'm tired of my crappy aquarium shots.

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Joxer the Mighty

It sounds similar to a little anenome that was attached to a mushroom rock I purchased. If it looks anything like the pic, then you better get rid of it fast since it could be majano, a pest anenome. Under my PC's the base had a nice flourescent green glow to it.

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look im the DIY section here. under CUSTOM MADE HOODS

and many other threads of mine Ive used it. there is 2 pics in

a thread called "your pic" I believe where every one was SUPOSED TO POST A PICTURE OF THEMSELF, but I was the only one.. hehehhh so Idecided to be "scary"

it worked.....LOL

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