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Coral Vue Hydros

Sand Question


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My tanks been cycling for about 5 days now. Everything seems to be moving along. I used that bagged live sand stuff. It was a little pricey, but not too bad for only a 10 gallon. Now I understand that by live they mean micro-organisms, not visible critters. So my question is, where will the little sand detrivores come from? Do I have to purchase of of them as well? I'm not referring to the cleaning crew (snails, hermits, etc). I'm talking about the tiny little worms and stuff.


I've only noticed one very small fan worm that has come out of the live rock. No other action is going on in there. I bought the rock from a local LFS. It's not the best by any means, but it did have decent coraline and a couple small pieces of sponge and macro on it.



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Give it some time! Over the next couple of months, as the tan k matures, you'll find ton's of critters come crawling out. Try viewing the tank at night 2-3 hours after the lights go out!

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OK, I'll hold off. I've just been reading so many posts about live rock with tons of life still clinging to it.


/DSparks switches back into patient mode/

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