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A seahorse question....

reef doc

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Hello, this is my first post here. I have 2 seahorses in a 6g Eclipse. I am completeing a 15g refugium (display) on my 125 reef today. I would like to have my seahorses in the refugium. Here is my problem: I have a Tang in the main tank that has an ongoing problem with ICH. How vulnerable are the horses to this disease?? Any help would be appreciated!



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i would suggest going to reefcentral.com and postin gover on their seahorse board......ty know what they are talking about....

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yeah were a bunch of silly monkeys that like to lick the salt off the tank as it collects in dried crusty spots... we know nothing...


Oh crap Did I type that ? lLOL wencome to nano.

Im the sarchastian.


for my next trick...........:o

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i didnt mean we dont know anything but i know their are very knowledable seahorse owners over there,, but if u want to talk nano's ....theirs just no better place than here......

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Hospitalize the tang in a seperate tank. let the 125 run for a few weeks, the paracites will die off (provided there are no other fish in the tank.) Also U could try using a Garlic Elixir. It works wonderfully for my "problem" fish. Also; Coral VITAL by MARC WEIS products has a slime enhancer that will help make it harder for the Ich to adhear to the fish. Its probaly Stress related ich, and is easily cured on its own accord You could try a Cleaner shrimp too.

AFAIC, the seahorses will be ok IF they are not stressed and are eating well. we need a little more info.

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I couldn't agree more on curing the ich in your tank. I wouldn't add anything no matter how hardy until you get rid of this parasite.

Seahorses are very delicate, whether or not they are prone to ich I honestly don't know, but I sure wouldn't chance it.

For the best source of seahorse info, go here





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The reef that the tang is in is almost 3 years established. The Tang was quarantined from the start but has not been able to beat the ich (it comes and goes). Several other fish in the tank including another Tang (NASO) that are fine. My question is are seahorses susceptible to ICH!!



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I wonder the 2 seahorse might decrease the population of the pod and cop of the refugium, then you refugium may not serve its suppose. Remember the purpose of a refugium is to provide safe place to let the pods and cops to reproudce!


Then again, since you refugium is 15g, you may get away with it.

Garlic something work with ich, but remember to feed your fish for a month even the ich goes away.

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Well right off, I know squat about seahorses.... my response is about the refugium... I don't view it as simply a place for the "bugs" to grow... to be honest I really don't care that much about the 'pods at all.


My whole purpose for setting up the 'fuge was to be solely for filtration off my tank. I have several macros goin' nuts in it... in only three weeks I have had to do some major pruning! My water is crystal clear and with two different test kits I am getting 0 readings for nitrates, in fact the water is testing out better than any other tank no matter what the size I have ever done.


Yeah, I got "bugs" for days... maybe TOO many, hell the things don't even wait till dark to come out to play... lights full on and they are running around like crazy... but the water quality is what I am after. Am I the only one that thinks this way?

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thats the only reason i put a refugium on my girlfriends tank was for water filtration. i did set it up so that the water flows into the tank from the fuge so the pods would make it through alive. about the ich, i always understood it that ich is always in the water it just infects your fish when they are stressed and their immune systems are down.

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I just wanted to add that while I agree with quarantining the Tang in order to treat it, I do not agree with the idea that the ick in the main tank will die out while the Tang is gone.


From what I have understood, it will never completely leave any tank. It's just a matter of how susceptible your fish are to it at any given time. You could have an established tank that never had ick on any of your fish for years and if you do something to stress the fish (depending on how badly you stress them and how susceptible they are) they will break out.


I have also had success treating ick with garlic when I had some Chromis break out a while back.


Best of luck with both the Tang and the seahorses.



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Originally posted by Carinya

I do not agree with the idea that the ick in the main tank will die out while the Tang is gone.  


From what I have understood, it will never completely leave any tank.  It's just a matter of how susceptible your fish are to it at any given time.  You could have an established tank that never had ick on any of your fish for years and if you do something to stress the fish (depending on how badly you stress them and how susceptible they are) they will break out.



She touches upon my point nicely. its Stress ich.


and to answer the question DIRRECTLY about horses.. YES they can be sussceptible to Ichtyophhthirius Irritians AND Cryptocaryon. The latter being the more deadly.

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how about garlic? if u treat the tang with garlic, and all ure other tank inhabitnents, then would it matter if there was ick in the water? and wont gthe ich die out if there was nuthing for it to live on? jw, btw i ont kno much about seahorses, but thats a nice idea, haveing seahorses in the fuge, but wouldnt they eat all of them up wuickly? i mean in a sense, i guess the main tank would become the fuge for the refugium. well hth


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Wow what a great forum, thanks for all the help!!! I think I'll leave the seahorses in the tank that they are in. As far as the powder brown I've been fighting the ich with him forever. All the good fish books say they are 'very' susceptible' to this. Catching him is out of the question. All the other fish are healthy, and so is he (he just scratches alot). Think I'll just leave him alone.


Thanks again for all the great info!!!



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