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First Salty tank


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i'm getting a JBJ Nano cube and i'm just going to have polyps....shrooms....zoos....and leathers...but i was told not to try xenia for some reason...and stuff.........i like that candy cane coral....could i have some? I also want to know when should i add the corals? Any ideas for the clean up crew? I was think like 6 turbo snails? Idk...and one green emerld crab..and some sort of cleaner shrimp....what kind? I am going to have bout 10-15lbs of LR and 1-1 1/2 inchs of sand seeded with LS...i am going to add a small peice of uncooked cocktail shrimp to the tank to help the cycle....any suggestions on anything? thanx

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I wouldn't cycle it with a cocktail shrimp. Seeding the tank with LS / LR will get the cycle going. Also, coral banded shrimp can get a bit big and can be quite aggressive with other tank inhabitants (ie other shrimp, slow moving fish, etc . . ), so if your planning on adding any of the above might want to be cautious.



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I am with darwin, pass on the CB-shrimp. I have a 12-gallon eclipse and my CB has found his life's calling in chasing my clown goby around the tank.

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Hey I just wanted to tell you..I have a JBJ Nano cube also.. and a friend of mine has a small piece of brown pulsing xenia in her tank (A JBJ Nano)...it seems to be doing fine! It sits close to the water surface so it gets the most light possible along with water current... hers seems fine so I don't know why you couldn't try to keep one... ( If anyone could give me a reason please let me know) I just thought I'd share that experience with you.


Also don't rush adding corals ..we all know even easy corals can be fragile... I would just wait to you set up and your sure that your cycle is completely over... my cycle is about ending now and its been 6 weeks! Even still I'm not ready to add any corals because I want to let my water mature a little...or at least make sure everything is perfect before the first coral goes in.


As far as shrimps I like the skunk cleaner and the sexy shrimps....HTH Megan~~~

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could i keep the Sexy Shrimp and the Skunk cleaner together? If so how many? thanx yea someone on Reefcentral said no on xenia....don't know why........any ideas on inverts and shrimp? for fish i'm going to have a purple firefish and a small blue damsel

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Xenia are a fairly easy coral to keep, but in the right conditions can really start spreading, you may end up with too much biomass. In less than perfect conditions, they may decide to let go and drift into an inappropriate spot and crash. If you don't mind trimming often and can do so w/o upsetting the tank, they can be delightful additions (great trading frags, too.) Just my 2 cents worth.


I say, if you like Xenia, and don't mind paying a little extra attention, go for it.

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You could probably keep a couple in there. They dont get too big, and if they do, you can always trade them back to your LFS for something else. The main thing is how much maintenace you have to do. Fish have a larger impact on your tank's biomass than corals and small inverts so the more fish you keep, the more water changes you're gonna have to do to keep the water in good quality. I don't know what kind of room firefish need to be happy (never kept one myself) but judging by their size, I can see it being a possibility . .



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yea i was just wondering if they torarated there own kind...the purple firefish are more hardier then the reg kind....and if things didn't work out i could trade one to the LFS and get a small blue cromis.....or blue dasmel whatever they got.....thanx guys!

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DON'T get a damsel. They are very aggressive despite their small size. They are okay as a single fish in a tank, and in a big group, but if you've got a damsel and a firefish it will beat up your firefish since they are very territorial in nature - I had my first ocellaris clown beaten to death by a damsel. Chromis' (although I think they are technically damsels) are much more compatible and less aggressive.


My advice to you would be to get the firefish to start with, see how it fares in your tank, and then poke around here and the LFS to find a compatible tankmate later on.



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