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new red sea PRO - any one got it yet ?


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i heard about Rea Sea Coral PRO will new release with better result (black bucket instead of red/white)...


Is it out already or ?


If you have it, hows the readings ? ALk , Cal and mg ??




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I'm still using their old formula. I do want to try their new mix, it looks like it was higher alk. Marine depot has it. click


I'll probably continue using their old mix until it's no longer available. I've had great results with it and don't want to change unless I have to.

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This. They didn't change the formula any I bet. Why change a successful product already? I use the Petco salt myself. Have been using it for years with great results. Not about to change now.

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I"ll guess we'll see. Looking at the enlarged picture of the bucket on marinedepot it looks like the numbers are 450 for CA, 1340 for Mag, and 4.3 meq/l/12 dkh for alk. Don't know about you, but I never got alk that high with their current blend.

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Never really cared for their salt, but the bucket is cool looking. I'm a sucker for cool looking packaging... Thats how brightwell got me with their salt...


Let me know if its any different, but for now im sticking with reefcrystals.

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