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Coral Vue Hydros

Anyone from Tx.


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Hey frogguy1, glad to see a fellow San Antonio nano reefer on the forums.


We have a local club, (although it would be hard to know since we don't get much support from the shops), but you can check us out at www.maast.org/


Hope to see ya there!



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attn: fellow hell pasoan, what side of town are you on? and what shop or shops do you frequent? i saw one of your threads in the members nano reefs about how your tank got terminated, and i was really sorry to hear that. but at least you didn't give up, and it looks like your 'desert nano' is coming along pretty good. right now i only have a few corals in my eclipse12, nothing that's ready for fragging, but eventually i will be fully stocked and maybe we will be able to get together for a trade. glad to hear that i'm not the only freak in the desert that's into the nanos.. peace.... j...

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hector1520, are you still out there?.?.... in case you didn't notice, the previous post from me was for you. i didn't actually mention you name, but i think we're the only hell pasoans on the board. i know you're in the market for some frags, and i might have some helpful information for you.... j...

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hi, jaguilar, sorry I missed the posts, I guess i didn't click on the e-mail notification on the bottom of the page. I'm on the eastside a few blocks away from Americas HS. I used to frequent Desert Coast on Yarbrough but danny sold the place. Sea Escape(?) on zaragosa is winning me over with a few good deals I've found from them. Thanks for the kind words on the tank and I'll definitely get back at you when our corals are ready for some slicing :) Maybe we could also get together for a group purchase from Seacrop soon if you're interested as I'm going to order one of Mary's 12-piece nano packs in the near future

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hector1520, first of all, that avatar is insane.... anyways, i too am located on the eastside(george dieter&montwood area). sea escapes is alright, i used to go there quite a bit. but the store i use almost exclusively now is sea creatures on montwood. the owner usually has a good selection every week. i tried to bring this up to you last week, because he got a real nice selection of zoos in, and he was even cool enough to break some frags off for me because i don't really have the room to add the whole pieces. he usually gets the zoos on the large branched rocks which are easy to break apart. i got a killer deal on a decent sized frag of yellow and blue zoos. but, his corals usually go pretty fast. he gets his shipments in on tuesdays, and they're usually gone by the end of the week. his name is jimmy, and he's a pretty cool guy. his prices are very good also. as for the seacrop order, we'll have to look into that, sounds cool. peace...j...

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yeah, sea creatures is pretty alright but like you said, his corals go fast and I usually work on tuesdays and wednesdays so my selection is pretty limited. Unfortunately I don't know him well enough to ask him to break off a few polyps or a piece of frag. I bought a nice sized rock of GSPs from him a week ago and bought a used Lee's skimmer from him for $10. Whenever you find a good deal, let me know and hopefully I can catch it in time. my e-mail and AIM is tranceport17@aol.com

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