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Innovative Marine Aquariums

too much lighting


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I picked up a jbj retro 4x65 that I plan to use over my 20 long. A few people have told me this might be too much light and I might bleach some of the corals I put in it. Can anybody give me any advise on this or have an opinion they wish to share?

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You can never have too much light for manby SPS and Clams. some Shrooms and sofites may not do as well directly under a 400w halide, but with PC's there is no worry. The problem being is that your tank is 30" and the 4x65 (most likely) is 48 inches. I am assuming that all 4 PC's are not side by side, but rather set lengthwise 2 and 2.


If the whole fixture is only 24-30" long, than you should be fine. My Choice of bulbs for SPS and clams on a 30" fixture would be 2x10k 1x50/50 and 1 ACtinic.

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