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Where to find nano reef clubs or others who'll trade?


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Hi everyone,


I'm brand spanking new to nano reef keeping. I'm still letting my tank cycle but when it's ready, I'd like to start adding some corals. Though I can get them at the store, I was wondering if there were any reef clubs or individual enthusiasts that sell or trade corals, fish, etc. online. I thought that might be a little cheaper than buying retail. So, does anyone have any information or thoughts about this?


BTW, I've got a 10g tank with an ViaAqua Multi-Skimmer, 2x24W Compact Lights, Ebo Jager Heater, Rio 90 power head, 10lbs live fiji rock, and 25lbs live sand. I also bought some hermit crabs; but now I'm wondering whether I should have waited. Is this a good start? Are there any basics I missed?

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both reefcentral.com and reefs.org have sections on local clubs as well as classifieds forums like here on NR. you could either search for the state or region pertinent to you for clubs or post something in classifieds 'to buy or trade' versus the typical 'to sell'. you may also want to check some magazines for listings. FAMA and TFH mags come to mind.


make sure you have extra salt and water available for water changes. test kits and hydrometers are also vital for startups. welcome to NR!

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Thanks for the help


I'm from West Covina, California. That's a suburb about 25 miles east of Los Angeles.


I've been doing some research on retailers. Jeff's Exotic Fish (http://www.exoticfish.com/) was recommended by one site. They seem to have good prices, at least compared to stores in my area. Small sized corals are around $15-25. I'll probably look into this place a little more. They appear to do business primarily online but they have an outlet store about 30 miles away from me.

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I went to reefcentral and found the discussion forums covering clubs. The only one I found so far in the area is the Southern California Marina Aquarium Society that Gilman mentioned. They appear to have swaps every other month or so. The next one will be located in Encino in April. That's a little bit of a drive but I'm willing to do it for some good deals. Was this what you mean or is there something else you recommend?

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