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Cultivated Reef

bad idea?


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is it a bad idea to run a carbon bag all the time?

because i heard it removes trace minerals and stuff that are needed for a reef tank?


is that true?

or is running carbon all the time okay?

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i run carbon all the time and it takes alot of strain off my skimmer and since i started running carbon my nitrates have dropped and remained at 0. in an article iv read in the past (ill see if i can find it) it said that all carbon does is remove organics from the water which is what a skimmer does but if you run both it allows the skimmer to remove almost pure nitrates from the water. i think that's what it said ill see if i can find the article


here we go http://joejaworski.wordpress.com/2008/05/0...nk-need-carbon/ i also found this in there:


"Carbon has a greater affinity for organics than trace metals, but it will remove some trace elements. On the other hand, both protein skimming and natural consumption of trace elements by tank specimens will remove significantly more trace elements than carbon. Aquarists concerned about depleted trace elements should be using a trace mineral additive- whether or not carbon is used. Two excellent products for this are the Sera Strontium Complex and the Seachem Reef Trace products."


and another thing to answer your question: "► Carbon should be used only a few days a month False. This myth was likely started by activated carbon’s ability to remove yellow tinting and odor from the aquarium within the first 48 hours of application (or perhaps manufacturers who want to sell you more carbon). The higher concentrations of organics are colorless and odorless and require more contact time for removal. Another complication of part-time carbon use is storage and reuse. Once the carbon is removed from the aquarium it will continue removing contaminants from the air. Placing the damp carbon in a sealed plastic bag doesn’t work either, as the damp carbon becomes exhausted servicing die off in the stagnant aquarium water stuck to the grains"

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