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Is this enough flow for a 16 gallon bowfront?


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I just got two Micro-Jet 450's (117 gph) for my 16, these will be the main source of circulation. I will also have a Mini-jet 606 (thanks KrackerG) that will feed the HOB refugium (thanks Reefer_Buddha!). The water flow coming out of the fuge won't be a lot, so that can't be counted on for a lot of water movement


So will the turnover those provide be enough for this tank? Or should I throw in another MJ 450? I could also fit an Aqua Clear 150 on the thank and use that for some flow?



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It’s not that bad at all, and flow from 3 different sources should allow you to create some nice random currents. I’d still consider adding a small HOB filter if there is room. Granted, the ideal flow rate for a mushroom coral is completely different than most SPS corals (so it all depends).

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I don't plan on having any SPS. Pretty much mushrooms, zoo's, a few other softies, and some differnet LPS's. So, that is probably OK? i think I'll stick my AquaClear 150 on there too, which will give me some more flow, allow me to put some carbon in there if need be, and use the surface skimmer attachment.

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Ok, what is a good suggestion for powerhead positions?


Right now I have one on the right side of the tank (if looking head on) pointing across the tank.


Then I have the Aqua Clear on the far left side of the tank.


And on the back of the tank, just right of the Aqua Clear, I have the other powerhead, blowing forwards.


Is there a good method to determine how the water is flowing in the tank?

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Powerheads should be positioned so that there are no dead spots. You aren’t trying to create a swirling whirlpool (random currents are preferable). Your rock placement often affects your water flow. You could try tying a string to something and moving it to different areas of the tank to gauge the flow.

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When two currents intersect, they create various random currents. So you don’t need a wave maker. However, I have a Natural Wave Timer and like it. It works just as it says, but another powerhead can make your tank look more cluttered.

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