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Where to start


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I have an 18gh eclipse with a 50/50 bulb. A eclipse power filter with bio-wheel and 550gph powerhead. My aquarium has 21 pounds of cured Fiji live rock and is ready for fish. Besides fish where should I start? Anemones, sponges, starfish etc. I am new to the saltwater seen. ANyone have advise and suggestions on where to start and whats hardy for a beginner.

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Lose the biowheel - it'll increase denitrification to the point that you'll get too much build up of nitrates in the tank.


You don't have enough light for corals unless you get non-photosynthetic ones like chilis or certain gorgonians.


Before adding fish make sure your ammonia and nitrite are 0, your SG is 1.023 - 1.025 and that the pH is 8.1 - 8.3.

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Originally posted by frogguy1

I am new to the saltwater seen. ANyone have advise and suggestions on where to start and whats hardy for a beginner.


Start here:




You are way underlit- Eclipse are meant for fish, not corals. Corals (especially most anenomes, of what you listed) are demanding when it comes to light. Also, that powerhead must look like an outboard motor in that tank.


Lowlight critters include sponges, fanworms(feather dusters), carnivorous gorgonians(not for beginners).



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Thanks I figured that, I decided to go all fish with the live rock. Im also going to put a feather duster and a starfish(invertebrates). Ill go to anemones when I began my new aquarium.

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