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I am a beginner at the nano-reef aquarium. I have an 18g high with 21 pounds of beautiful figi live rock. I have a eclipse filter w/bio wheel and a 550 powerhead. The tank is now ready for the fish. My question is what is the best beginner or hardiest anemone I can buy, something thats very hard to kill? Please email me at raynas@sbcglobal.net

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yup, no problem. here is a pic of mine



you can see how it is strating to split...it kinda fold in down the middle. also the base is starting to form 2 seperate sections. kinda cool. its about 6 months old now.

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not to be mean.....but what is your lighting? How long has the tank been up? They are one of the hardest things to keep alive, do not try it in a tank less then 6 months old and w/o good lighting. BTAs can handle lower light then most others. But if you are new, it's just a waste of money, you'll end up with a nasty smelling pile of goo.


You're going to want to read the Anemone FAQ @ RC:



and read every post in the Clownfish & Anemone section. Most people build their tanks up and prepare for an anemone for a long time before they get one.

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Hey I'm just trying to save the dude some cash, if he wants to try it that's his business. I'm just telling him what I've learned by cruising the anemone boards at RC all the time. My BTA is fine too and I just switched tanks....doesn't matter to me what he does, just putting in my $.02


If he wants to put it under NO bulbs and you're saying "that's okay" then that's his business too. But the odds w/ anemones are stacked for the bad not the good. Sometimes it's hard enough to find one not on the way out at a LFS. Then again you can help him in a bit if he comes back and says "my anemone is upside down and is turning inside out and everything is dieing".

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Originally posted by Chronicles

Hey I'm just trying to save the dude some cash, if he wants to try it that's his business.  I'm just telling him what I've learned by cruising the anemone boards at RC all the time. My BTA is fine too and I just switched tanks....doesn't matter to me what he does, just putting in my $.02


If he wants to put it under NO bulbs and you're saying "that's okay" then that's his business too. But the odds w/ anemones are stacked for the bad not the good. Sometimes it's hard enough to find one not on the way out at a LFS. Then again you can help him in a bit if he comes back and says "my anemone is upside down and is turning inside out and everything is dieing".


sure thing

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I going to wait a while so that I can see how the fish do solo with the live rock. I'll be buying fish sometime next week. Thank you both.

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