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[SIZE=3]What kind of coral?[/SIZE]


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I have had my 10 gal set up for about 2 weeks now. I was just wondering what kind of coral/anemones to buy for it, or how much longer to wait.


At the moment my tank contains:

10 lbs live rock

1 blue damsel

2 peppermint shrimp

4 hermit crabs

Maybe some feather dusters (came on LR, not quite sure)

:) :) :) Just looking for suggestions:) :) :)

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First .. IS YOUR TANK CYCLED and 15w is not enough

Did you buy already cured live rock?

Even if you did have you tested your water specs?

Carefull or you may lose your current livestock


Do some searches on live rock... setup time ...curing live rock

Tons' of post on this...

it can some times take more then a month to have your tank ready for corals


.... From a post I did about 2 minutes ago....



Rule of thumb 5-8 watts per gallon is the minimum.

5-8 watts per gallon will support softies, but from what I've read the growth will be slow.


Their is such a thing as too much light but you will not likely encounter that during your settup.


Try not to skimp on the lights


To give you an idea of lighting option prices goto hellolights


do a search on 5g lighting or some other combo's tons of post on peoples setups. Look through the tank pages see a nice 5g with cool corals... look thier specs up...

have fun enjoy .. sit back and look through the old post...


Click to start you search or use the search at the top... enjoy

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