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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Media basket


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I purchased the media basket and also got some other stuff to go along with it. I bought the filter floss, chemi-pure, purigen, and the seagel 100ml bag. I have read to put two layers of the filter floss on the top part of the tray. On the second part of the tray to put the chemi-pure, and the last tray to put the seagel and purigen...Does this seem about right?


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I honestly don't think the order matters much (except the floss). I have seagel, purigen, then chemi-pure. I stopped using floss because it seemed to quickly clog and water would run beside the basket instead of through it. Just my 2 cents.

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i asked the same question and got pretty much the same question...

but this is what i have top rack filter floss

middle rack chemi pure elite and the last chamber is chaeto algae..

had purigen and chemi pure both in the middle rack but the water wouldnt go threw it

so just put the purigen in the first chamber with the heater lol..

hope this helps

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