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The Best way to pumb a below tank reugium


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If your return pump fails, your in big trouble. That's because the HOB pipe extends to the bottom of the tank. It's going to suck up all the water and you will have a dry reef after the lights fry it up.


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i dont mean tobe an ass man, i just wanna kno what are the flaws, the one that anhony said is baseically a syphon which from what ive read doesnt go too well with refugiums....and that pic was of a hangon back fuge, i made a similar one before that worked ok, but it wasnt big enough for my taste. anthony, t ell me if i am misundserstanding what u were saying, its a bit confuseing for me, sorry,


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dattack- so ill cut the suction tube shorter so that its just a little ways into the water, i cant do an HOB fuge, my stand wont allow that


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cutting the HOB tube would be a good idea...just cut it short so that it is close to the waterline..that should work fine!!!

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Well you have two pumps. So that means you have two possibilities of failure.


If the HOB pump fails then you might overflow your tank unless of course you somehow partition the sump to only put back a certain amount of water so it doesn't overflow. This would mean that your sump pump will run dry.


If the return pump fails, then you might overflow your sump. THe HOB keeps pump til it gets to the bottom of the pipe. Therefore, if you shorten the pipe, then you will have at least more than enough corals that are high up in your tank.


GEt it?;)

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ok, only part i didnt get was

"Therefore, if you shorten the pipe, then you will have at least more than enough corals that are high up in your tank"

wassat mean?

as for the sump pump running dry, im useing the zoomed104 which is guarentied to run dry for upto 30 days, ive run it dry a day just to make sure and it was fine. now, im not sure if u got what i was saying, the reason why the main wont overflow is because, ill keep the sump pump as high as possible so that if the HOB fails, then itll only keep pumping mayb a half gallon, which i can deal with. as for the HOB failing, ill drill the hole as high as possible to keep water running in the hob so that when the hob fails, itll keep syphoning till there no water below it, which wont be more than a half cup at most which is easliy dealt. and since im planning on useing 3/8 inch , im not sure that all the water from the HOB will be going to the fuge, some of it may still come out the HOB. hope this clears up a few things...


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i will be building one ( under tank sump/refugium) tomorrow for my 55 gallon..i am planning on using 2 10 gallons side by side..one for refugium and the other will be for the skimmer and return pump.....and yes..after reading this..i will probably use a drilled HOB...but how do you drill it? it will crack so easily..wouldn't a canaster work better?


damn..now i need to find a canaster filter...


so far...i am spending..($80) for the acrylic tank, stand and canopy with 2 existing NO lights (10,000K and actinic), thinking about buying nanofeefer's 250W MH with 2 more actinic NO lights and install it onto my canopy ($75), 2X10 gallon tanks and use a U tube to connect the 2 together and a 25 gallon spare medicine quarranteen tank ($30), return pump probably a Rio 600 or 800 ($16 on ebay), 20 lbs of LS in one 10 gallon tank for refugium and 20 lbs in the main tank ($40), 100LBs of Fiji LR ($65 from recycler) and natural salt water to fill it up ~45 gallons ($12)..so far... (~$335) to set up the tank with everything!


i have spare powerheads laying around and now all i need is to find a canaster filter for cheap..probably Fluval 303 or a magnum..but the flow rate would have to match the return pump... oh and for chiller..i will buy a used small cube refrigerater and put the canaster filter inside and drill the 2 sides so that the tube can go in and out...i saw a small ref on recycle for $30

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Just shorten the damn HOB filter tube, so if your main tank level drops too low it wont suck more water. There now it's failsafe.


If the return pump fails the HOB will run out of water to suck fast.


If the HOB fails the return pump will run out of water to suck.


*bows for solving the problem*

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ah yes music to my ears, thats exactrly what i was trying to say, i guess i was too confuseing for everyone....now as to the question of how to drill the HOB......


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