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The Best way to pumb a below tank reugium


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hey, i wanna kno once and forall whats the best way to plumb a below tank refugium without an overflow. thanks


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i dont think its posible to do it without a overflow...

overflow is a way to get water from the tank to the sump...

unless you plan to manually skim the water with a cup...put in in the refugium/sump...and then do the same with the sump...




or perhaps your talking about those HOB overflow...then your only way is drill...

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the only way to get the water down to the ref. is either overflow[but usually to big for nano system] or to drill the glass...

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then useing pumps is oput of the question?.....great..... well what about drilling into a HOB filter? that im pretty surei can manage.


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drilling from an HOB filter is a good idea..its just adjusting the flow would be the painful part...you would have to adjust the pumps flow to match the HOB's...so theres a big chance that things could go wrong.. flood or the pump to run dry.. something like that....i dunno...lets wait for other peoples opinions...

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the only prob with that is it the HOB fails then the pump will run dry and your tank will overflow....just go to the LFS and have them drill a 1" hole in your tank.....its just the most fail safe way......

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my tanks already setup...sorry..... bout the HOB, i kno what u mean, they get clogged up with junk real fast. but luckily ive got a backup one thats been workin good for along time. io think that if i ever go on vacation ill prob just disconnect the fuge, and put a powerhead into it to keep the water movin. tell me more opinions! thanks,


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o btw, i think id drill it just below the water line in the HOB so that the syhpon could start itself up again if the power went out, and if the filter failed, then barely anywater would overflow in the fuge, and same thing with the bottom tanks pump, keep it just elow the water line. hows this sound?


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thats what i mean,,, if you keep it just below the water line... and its not taking out enought water... the pump from the refugium/pump will fill the main tank up with water and eventually the pump will run dry, and you will have a major flood...and the HOB cant do anything with it..because its only rated to take limited amounts of water....


and lets say that you did find a way to make the flow even from HOB filter and pump in the refugium..there could still be one problem... if the pump fails..the HOB is going to keep pumping out water to the refugium... see where im getting here? .. its going to work, but you have to risk alot...


the best way is a drill a hole, buy an overflow ( but can also cause problems), buy or build a HOB refugium, or an above tank refugium..

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Originally posted by Stryf3


and lets say that you did find a way to make the flow even from HOB filter and pump in the refugium..there could still be one problem... if the pump fails..the HOB is going to keep pumping out water to the refugium... see where im getting here? .. its going to work, but you have to risk alot...


Originally posted by Nishant3789

o btw, i think id drill it just below the water line in the HOB so that the syhpon could start itself up again if the power went out, and if the filter failed, then barely anywater would overflow in the fuge, and same thing with the bottom tanks pump, keep it just elow the water line. hows this sound?



this explain it? ill try and draw up a pic of what i mean,


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you place a pump in the tank that pumps water to a refugum above the tank and an overflow that runs the water from the refuge to the tank.


other than that there is no safe way unless you have an over flow in the tank and refuge bellow with a pump.

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there.. i know that thats what your trying to do...


the problem is finding a way for the overflow with the HOB propeller and the return pump to match the same amount of water transferring to one onother...

if ever you find a way to do that...

another problem is..


if the return pump stops... the hob will keep going and continually overflow water to the refugium/sump..


if the HOB filter stops working... the return pump will keep pumping water in the man tank...


its not fail safe...and i wish you luck...if you still want to try it... and let me know how it goes...


good luck...

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same difference... LOL...either way...its still not fail safe..


look nish, im not against you, i dont think that you cant do it...but lets stick to the fact..its not fail safe...just hope that one doesnt fail...or else.. :(


i just dont want you to regret anything later... you know what i mean... :)


like what we said..the best bet is to have it drilled, or buy the aquafuge refugium by CPR aquatics...or above tank refugium...it would look nice ;)

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LMAO....what i said still applies....


its going to work...yes it is....theres a alot of way to make it work....


all im saying is, the plan is not fail safe :( ... unless you plan to risk it...

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hows it not failsafe? is this not safer than others??? the only prob i c here is if the top tankl overflows which after i put the pump at the top, itll only keep pumping mayb a half gallon at the most, and thats how muchll overflow, that i can handle, nuthing big there, hell i spill that much on my carpet when doing water changes! tell me some flaws thanks


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just put a divider in your sump or refugium and sylicon the edges and and leave enoguht room to fit the pump and so if your HOB fails, only that section of water will be pumped back to your main tank and that cost that much dmage. another tip, why don't you use a "U" shape tube or something so that the end that goes to the main tank is just below the waterline..and htat would work like an overflow, just to make sure that the U tube is not too deep, incase the pump in your sump fails then only a few inches of your maintank water will over flow into the sump and this way you don't need a HOB filter.

the only problem i can see from this design is the flow rate of your U tube have to closely match the return flow rate by the pump... so be sure to adjust your return pump..or the tubing on your overflow U tube....but i have had successful using 3/4" tube and using a Rio 800..their flowrate matches pretty well...as you can see in my refugium..

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i say try it...


you know!! i might be wrong, nobody's perfect ;)


but theres already 3 opinions that said its not fail safe...so lets wait for more peoples opinion... :)

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