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Seawater Shelf Life


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So I picked up, 'Water Chemistry for the Marine Aquarium' and on page 38 the author says, "Seawater keeps indefinitely if stored in a covered container in a cool, dark place."


This statement goes against what I've read here and what the 'new guy' said to me yesterday at the LFS.



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So I picked up, 'Water Chemistry for the Marine Aquarium' and on page 38 the author says, "Seawater keeps indefinitely if stored in a covered container in a cool, dark place."


This statement goes against what I've read here and what the 'new guy' said to me yesterday at the LFS.



I use a 6 gallon gas tank, new of course, to store my saltwater in the colset. When it is time for a water change (~1gal) I shake up the water in the gas tank and fill up my tank. The water lasts me about 5-6 weeks, I havent had any problems storing it for this long. HTH

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  • 2 weeks later...

amazing thread with those references listed. I would never ever cap my saltwater, it smells of rotting eggs after a few days and it happens consistently.

I suspect it depends on how you make it and where it comes from. someone buying a fresh/sealed container of water, uncapping it and adding salts is a rather sterile procedure especially if shaken/capped soon afterwards, the solution stays rather pure within. But if you get your water from a LFS who has used the same hoses for years, there will be biofilms imparting fouling biological agents into the water, it will be less sterile, always, than the first procedure and therefore might need different care requirements due its nonsterility.


something has to account for the pure fact that if I buy my water at our local LFS, and store it capped, it nearly kills my tank upon introduction and it smells of pure sulfide yet tests clean across parameters. if it stays uncapped, aerated even simply by passive exchange, its great. By kill my tank I mean when introducing change water from my lfs that has been capped for a week, 1oo% of my live rock fauna such as brittle stars, worms, pods etc migrate to the highest regions of the tank and freak out gasping for oxygen, the stars nearly climb out of the tank. Someone in these books didn't cover the differences in origin of the saltwater enough to protect me from learning about it the hard way...


how the saltwater is prepared in terms of septic/aseptic method really matters they should say that in the books and talk about biofilms in the holding tanks or delivery pipes.

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+1 to brandon...


It really depends on your methods. I would only store water mixed myself in a container dedicated to that purpose.


I use a 20gallon trash can that when I mix up fresh SW I have left for about a month or so with no real ill effects. Sometimes the water smells a little "musty", but I haven't noticed any ill effects. Some things to consider though (when mixing your own salt in a dedicated container):

1) Adding a stirring motion either from a power head or air stone helps a lot.

2) Before using the water I will intensely aerate the water with a power head for 5-10 minutes.

3) Sometimes a precipitate is left in the container. It's not a bad thing.

4) Periodically I'll empty the container and rinse it out and let it dry.

5) My container isn't 100% sealed. It's a garbage can. This allows for a minimal amount of air movement inside the container.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have read that it depends on the salt mix you are using.


For example:

Instant Ocean can be stored covered, dark, no pump or air for months (years?)

Reef crystals (due to some of the added ingredients) can be stored for only a few months max and should be aerated.


I always play it safe and mix up 5 gallons on thursday and use it on saturday for my weekly water change.

I do put a small pump in the bucket just to make sure it is mixed really well. I also keep it covered during that time just so it stays clean of airborne dust, bugs, and what not.


I rinse the bucket out with fresh RO/DI after each use and wipe dry.

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I'm not sure what's going on there Brandon. I buy my water at a LFS and put it in a 5 gallon water jub and cap it. I do 1 gallon a week change and I have no smell at all like you have. I store the water in a dark closet so that may help.


I got curious after reading this and tested my water before responding- readings were fine including ammonia, nitrite/-ate.



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