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Cultivated Reef

All right, so my house smells like a sewer...


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What the heck can I do about it?


If you read my post below about "My big goof" you'd get a chuckle over my mis-adventure in buying too much LR yesterday.


The water in my tank is yellow. I can't run my protein skimmer for more than about 30sec at a time before having to empty the cup.


I know that changing out the water is just going to make my cycle longer, but I can't take it!


Will carbon help get rid of the smell?


I've got a bunch of rubble in a 12gal Rubbermaid container at the moment that smells even worse than my main tank. I don't have enough extra filters to get to this one, so its just water changes for it. Any other ideas?


Is this a "normal" smell for someone that dumped a 30kg box of LR into his tanks straight from the importer?


There are a bunch of white worm looking things on the bottom of my tank that I'll try and take a pic of and see what they are...


My hermits and snails that I had added before I got stupid are starting to look better. I can only assume that this means things are a little better inside the main tank. Yeah, I know I was stupid, but I didn't plan on adding 30kg of uncured LR.


I appreciate any and all help!



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sorry mike! those white worms mean you have good rock. try to save as much life as you can. go get a trash can and fill her up with water! you need a large volumn of water!



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I feel your pain. I have been through this before as well. Of course I had expected it and was prepared.


If you have a garage I would say you should get a large rubbermaid trash can. You can cure the live rock out in the garage with some powerheads, a heater, perhaps some of your filter system, and if you have some lights to put over the trash can that would help. Of course don't forget the salt water hehe.


Carbon may help, but I'd wager that it won't last long. Try running a small hose from the catch cup of your protein skimmer to a bucket. This may require drilling a hole near the bottom of the cup and installing a barbed fitting to attatch the hose to, but is a worth while modification as it will allow you to run your skimmer with out worry if you go away for a weekend or something and you can run it long term with your current problem.


Also, if you must keep it inside the house you may want to invest in some incense. hehe



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I know that changing out the water is just going to make my cycle longer, but I can't take it!


actually if you are cycling your tank.. you should be doing alot of WCs to rid the tank of all that die off from the LR. that is probably why your place smells like a sewer because of all that ammonia being released at once. i never used a skimmer. IMHO i think religious water changes are WAY more effective than they are. especially during the cycling of a new tank.


check out this book. it will help you alot. "the new marine aquarium" by Michael S. Paletta. great book for beginners i recommend it to any newbie. he rely employs the "live rock as your main source of biological filtration tec."

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Originally posted by darwin604

How big is your tank?  30 kg is a lot :P


I built a sump yesterday that is about the size of a 20l to go under my 29gal main tank. (Its actually 12"w x 30"L x 16"T, but the water only goes to about 12") I figured with the two volumes of water, I'd be OK with 30kg (66lb) of rock between the two.


Problem is, the sump probably won't be filled till Sat at the earliest.


I'm left with a sewer in the living room...


Y'all should see the water I'm pulling out of the tank! It is brown. I'd be surprised if ANYTHING survives this.


I'm off to the LFS to get some pre-made salt water to do a change in the rubbermaid and RO so I can make my own for tomorrow.


Hey, how long does it take to cure LR ususally? ie: how long is my house going to smell like a sewer?



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i have the same problem going with some curing LR. It's only about four pounds, but it's like I cracked open a sewer main in my spare room. My GODS.... I never knew anything could be that vile. NEVER...



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I'm off to the LFS to get some pre-made salt water to do a change in the rubbermaid and RO so I can make my own for tomorrow.


Just a suggestion. If your water quality is as bad as it sounds it would probably be much cheaper to just mix your own up - getting top quality premixed stuff from your LFS is probably at a premium and its just gonna turn to sewage once its in your tank anyways. A 50 gal. sack of Instant Ocean is only about 10-15 bucks.



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Originally posted by darwin604

Just a suggestion.  If your water quality is as bad as it sounds it would probably be much cheaper to just mix your own up - getting top quality premixed stuff from your LFS is probably at a premium and its just gonna turn to sewage once its in your tank anyways.  A 50 gal. sack of Instant Ocean is only about 10-15 bucks.




Yeah, but I haven't had time to get the water acclimated overnite. I've been using it faster than I've been able to make it!


I've got about 8-10gal going right now... and am about to start more.


Hey, that reminds me. Is the "ya gotta have salt water made up for 24 hours" a myth? I'm not so sure that it much matters for me at the moment...



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