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don't add anything you don't test for. For the beginning, you won't have to add anything. In the meantime, do some research. The first thing you'll probably want to think of adding is calcium. Some people use a two part like B-Ionic, other drip kalkwasser.


Do a search for additives, and it'll likely be a topic of the week topic (under general discussion) fairly soon.

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I do not add any additives. If you do a 2-3 gallon water change weekly in my Nano-Cube with a great salt mix such as Tropic Marin none is needed. Elements will be replaced weekly thus making maintance easier. 18 gaalons is near the upper limits where the use of no skimmer and this is possible.

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i am currently using a remora pro skimmer at the moment.... oh and the LFS who i think is pretty good(fishsupply.com owner) said i don need any additives if i use real ocean water and do frequent water changes. but i do need them if i make my own water. i do realize it also matters what kind of corals i will put in ...


bobby, i don have to add even calcium and such? i am so lost on this subject

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