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Innovative Marine Aquariums

New Tank, Quick Q


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I have setup a small 10 gallon tank, with live sand, and base live rock. The rock I got is from that tampabay live rock site (luckily I live about 15 mins from the place, so I got to pick out my own rock).


The question I have is, one of the rocks I got has a really big white thing on it. When I first put it in, it was slightly greyish white. Then a couple days later it turned VERY white. Now I have noticed it is kind of disolving, or changing. Im worried whatever this is, could be toxic to the tank.


This is a picture I took of the rock, you can see another of the "white things" on the very right of the picture, but it isnt the same one that turned very white, and is now opening up. But atleast you can see the same type of thing.



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my guess would be, that it was a sponge... try removing it from direct light to see if it recovers, otherwise take it out. when sponges dissolve they release all trapped toxind and antibiotic matter, which can seriously harm the tanks vital bacteria... jmho though...




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thanks guys, I actually removed it from the tank.


It ended up looking terrible. Looked like an alien coming out of a cacoon. It just looked very toxic. lol


Now it seems the one in that picture is doing it to. I wonder if I have a problem with my water?

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