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Proud father of something...


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My live rock has been in this new tank for a couple days. It's my first time doing a saltwater setup.


Anyway, one of my rocks has an egg shaped piece at the top. I noticed the top is open and there are two claw shaped pieces of something popping out every so often. And it has a tongue shaped part that comes out in the middle. Makes me think of the sarlac pit in the (otherwise terrible) Special Edition of Return of the Jedi. If I scare it by getting close it hauls a$$ back into the rock.


This is so frigging cool. I have no idea what it is. I thought I was having a flashback when I first noticed it moving. Who needs fish anyway. The rock is way more interesting.

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The 'mouth' is two pieces that open like the beak of a bird. And the 'tongue' is hairlike with several strands that fan out in a small triangular array. Anyone have any clue what this thing is?


You guys are probably laughing because it's some stupid parasite or other crappy creature. To me it's the coolest thing I've ever seen.

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maybe a barnicle? anyway it is some sort of filtering animal.


in good rock there are so many cool things that can make it. i even got a sea cucumber and a scallop.



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Upon observation from another angle, the thing isn't quite what I described despite the fact that my description is spot-on perfect if viewing from two vantage points. From a third side, the parts that open seem to open diagnally. Perhaps claws of some sort. The claw like things remind me of the back part of a horseshoe crab. Maybe some day I wil get to see more of it.


When I open the lid and look in from the top (down into the hole it lives in), I see nothing but a flat creature with what appears to be a 'split' down the middle. But if it sees/hears/feels me coming it hides and goes back to this dormant state. Right now I have the lid propped up so I can sneak a look if it pops out again.


Oh and I know it probably lacks ears and eyes. But I think it can feel the disturbance in the water caused by the slightest movement as I approach. This fellow is crafty...

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Here's a crude picture taken from the top with the camera pointing directly at it. The hole in the rock is open at the top and the creature lives inside. The left part of the creature is where the two claw-like parts are. And the hair-like things that go back and forth are in the left-middle area between the 'claws'. Neither are really visible though as I took the picture from above with no flash (because it would have reflected off the water.)




I think it's a barnacle now as well. But it's my barnacle :)



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Definitely a barnacle.

Cool little crustacean to have in your tank. When you see him waveing his appendages out the opening he's feeding.


Nice little addition to your tank.



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