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Top Shelf Aquatics

New inverts... Trouble?


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I received the following critters in on Thursday: ricordia, zoanthids, and gorgonian. The ricordia and zoanthids are doing great. They have opened up and look pretty good so far. Unfortunately the gorgonian was a tad dissapointing. I had ordered an encrusting gorgonian, but received what appears to be a purple ribbon gorgonian. It seems to be producing a slime membrane on parts of it (may be dieback?). I siphoned this off (gently) usning rigid airline. The polyps have not yet opened. There is no registerable ammonia. Should I be concerned yet, or give it a few more days. This gorgonian is also a little larger than I had expected. Can it be fragged? If so, what is the best way to do this.


I'll try to post pics soon.

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