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Unknown green/brown polyp


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This polyp hitchhiked with my Kaelini rock. So far I've found two of them. Any idea what this is? It's maybe about a half-inch across when fully extended.

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I have one of those very same things in my tank. It was saved from my rommies tank since he didn't have very good lighting. Since then out of two that were on his rock the one that is in my tank has started to grow quite large. His on the other hand has died, leaveing behind a hard white jagged skeleton. I was told that what was on my rock is a Plate coral, and I am going to have to agree. Upon placing it in the tank I thought the same thing prolly an anemone, but to my surprise the little bugger was just as hard as a rock. I eventually had to glue him to a rock using super glue since he wouldn't stay put in my tank.

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