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Zoa Fragging


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So say I wanted to frag my ZOA's, they are part of my main rock and cannot be removed. Any way to do this??



take out your main rock

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how helpful! /sarcasm.


you could scrape them off of your main rock while it's in the tank with a spoon or something. Just don't get cut!


this is not recommended, as they will leach toxins

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i wasnt being sarcastic dick. if you're worried about leaching toxins, wouldnt the logical thing be removing the rock its on? jeez

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good question. Maybe someone will have a good way, especially if the rock is superhard.

I wonder if a stainless steel hobby saw blade would trim enough of the rock so the polyps would get minimal damage.

I have seen small saw blades in the hobby store here, but not any heavy duty.

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i wasnt being sarcastic dick. if you're worried about leaching toxins, wouldnt the logical thing be removing the rock its on? jeez


yea, that would be logical. Except the main point in asking is, I CAN'T remove the main rock.

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Well their is really no other way then if you dont want to frag then in your tank their is no other way, Just run some more carbon and you should be fine with the toxins.

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hmm, toxins are a good point. is this a huge colony that you are trying to frag? or are they a species that is known to be toxic? I have scraped zoas off of rock before... usually I just peeled up a little "shaving" of rock that the zoas are on. I think you would probably be okay with zoa toxins (as in you would release little or none) as long as you avoided damaging the actual polyps. you could also run carbon for a little while after fragging to absorb the toxins from the water.

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Well their is really no other way then if you dont want to frag then in your tank their is no other way, Just run some more carbon and you should be fine with the toxins.


Have you done this? Zoa's release harsh toxins. And in a 10 gallon, there's not much room for dilution. If you have experience doing so please let me know


If possible, i want to cut into the actual stalks of the polyps. Separating a small rubble rock from my main rock


then sucks to your asmar...


keep to yourself.

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The only ones I have notice to really put anything in the water column are the ones that slime real bad if you remove them like the buttons and purple death nuke greens and so on.

I have cut them up and while they were slimming put them back int he tank and noticed no problems. No sps ever closed its polyps or snails, shrimp act funny.

My tank holds about 15gls water.

I think that if you licked you fingers of got the slime in a cut it might do something, but if the slime was bad then most corals could not survive shipping as all will pretty much release some toxin in the shipping bag when they are placed in that small amount of water.

Yo could also try a serrated knife and saw under them to remove them. Either way they are going to slime if that kind and release into the water, but doubt they would do any damage in that much water.

And run carbon to be safe as mentioned already.

And what I have read, not all zoanthids are deadly, just a few and of those they don't usually make their way into the common home tank.

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I'm not an expert, but I don't think that the zoas will release toxins that are so acute (or in such great quantities) that it will do anything to your tank. You could try fragging a couple polyps in the tank and see what (if any) reaction the tank has, and that will let your know whether or not it is safe to proceed. And you could space the fragging out over a couple days and include some water changes to make sure your safe...


Or maybe you could drain the tank to below the level of the colony you want to frag, frag them while they're above the water, and then refill the tank?

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please, you honestly think cutting some zoas in your tank will kill everything. Nut up or shut up, if you want fragged zoas then just %@#*%@#* frag them

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please, you honestly think cutting some zoas in your tank will kill everything. Nut up or shut up, if you want fragged zoas then just %@#*%@#* frag them


Really? I wish I was as lucky as you to have that mentality. Unfortunate that I value my investments.

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I'm no expert but I've fragged zoo's inside my tank by just using an exacto blade cutting as closely to the rock as possible with no ill effect. I have done this many times to give to friends and all my inhabitants seem to be fine. Good luck.

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Or maybe you could drain the tank to below the level of the colony you want to frag, frag them while they're above the water, and then refill the tank?
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I'm no expert but I've fragged zoo's inside my tank by just using an exacto blade cutting as closely to the rock as possible with no ill effect. I have done this many times to give to friends and all my inhabitants seem to be fine. Good luck.


Thank you. An experienced answer is all I was looking for.

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Really? I wish I was as lucky as you to have that mentality. Unfortunate that I value my investments.


hahhhaha, wow, you apparently havent seen my tank. and you arent valuing anything, you're just blowing something out of proportion. if you're worried about zoas leaching anything, then dont use any air fresheners around your tank, perfume or cologne, cleaning supplies, or put your hands in your tank for that matter. stop being scared and be proactive. a simple zoa fragging would never bomb a tank, you dont exactly squish the crap out of them, chill out...

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Smart Idea as well, except I'd have to drain 9/10'ths of my tank


hahhhaha, wow, you apparently havent seen my tank. and you arent valuing anything, you're just blowing something out of proportion. if you're worried about zoas leaching anything, then dont use any air fresheners around your tank, perfume or cologne, cleaning supplies, or put your hands in your tank for that matter. stop being scared and be proactive. a simple zoa fragging would never bomb a tank, you dont exactly squish the crap out of them, chill out...


And your just being a D*ck. Kindly help other people. Bye

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Smart Idea as well, except I'd have to drain 9/10'ths of my tank


Yeah I just looked at your tank and noticed how low your rocks are. Your torch is badazz!!!!

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Smart Idea as well, except I'd have to drain 9/10'ths of my tank




And your just being a D*ck. Kindly help other people. Bye



this is them internets, I can be wherever I want.


but seriously, just take a razor to them underwater...

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this is them internets, I can be wherever I want.


but seriously, just take a razor to them underwater...


Your tank looks awful for the record. No patience, just crap dropped everywhere. So no, I will not take your recommendations.

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Your tank looks awful for the record. No patience, just crap dropped everywhere. So no, I will not take your recommendations.


thanks so much, i was going for that crap look. glad you noticed...


and I lack patience...thats why all of my sps hase been grown out from 1" frags for almost a year...

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thanks so much, i was going for that crap look. glad you noticed...


and I lack patience...thats why all of my sps hase been grown out from 1" frags for almost a year...


haha, nice edit. What'd I hit a nerve? Please just move on.

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