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Leather Coral


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non-blimp shot, please. the hairy looks like a ric at this distance.


i would hazard a guess of lobophytum. you'd need to see the polyps, how it grows, and a cross-section for a positive guess. :P

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Here is a link to a full tank shot...maybe this will help a bit...sorry I had to borrow the digital camera from a friend or I would take another one....that's cool if the hairy mushroom is a ricordia...I got it for free...it was about half he size that is it now (three months later) and is splitting in half....thanks again...







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nice tank, better pic. ;) that is a ricordia. :thumbsup:


hmm, in that link pic the softie looks like a leather toadstool-type. mebbe sarcophyton elegans but that's my fav and i usually 'run to momma' with that guess. but it does look like one. also, the presence of the ric tells me the two use to be in very bright lighting, which tends to favor s. elegans versus lobo or trochs. it's also too yellow imo to be either. i can't see the stem/stalk.


let us know when it extends polyps finally. you should be able to id it then. i'd think about moving it higher (more light) and toward the left, mebbe above the sinularia-looking one. is it just me or is it dimmer on the right-side? hth

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hey thanks for the reply...I have another question about the leather...can I glue it because I have tried to put it closer to the top but the hermit crabs/shrimp keep "remodeling"...and if I can what kind of glue or epoxy would you recommend??....yes the lights are brighter on the right side of the tank because I only have two 13w compact flouresents and the "hood" is and old acrylic top off another tank that I kind of "retro-fitted" with book worm fixtures....they seem to be doing ok under the lights....I have one 71k and one actinic in the fixtures...thanks again for the help...I love the little tank so far it's been alot of fun to put together....but it's still a work in progress...







Tank specs:

2.5 AGA

aqua clear mini HOB filter w/sponge only

small fountain "powerhead"

25 watt submerisble heater

8 lbs figi live rock

2 lbs live sand

2 13 W Compact flouresents 71k/actinic

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i don't particularly like using glue with leathers. propping against a rock or rubber banding is my pref choice. often you split it and get two frags for the time of one!


when i use glue i just use a super glue gel, like you would find in staples or office depot. the trick lies in having a preformed receiving pocket (dremel or drill) for the coral to sit in. think of the glue as a light brace not as an anchor. hth

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