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Quick Question About Quarantine


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I would like to set up a quarantine tank so I can purchase livestock and keep my main tank safe.


I know what I need for the quarantine tank but my question is, how do I cycle it? Or does it need to be cycled?


If I use water from my nano when I do the water changes, it would take a long time to fill up a 10 gal quarantine tank.


Quarantine Tank Specs:


10 gal


pvc tubes for hiding

small filter



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Yes, it will need to be cycled, especially if you plan on using it a lot. For very short term or once in a while cases constant water changes can keep the water ok but long term setups should be cycled.


Using water from your nano wouldn't be bad but doesn't really speed up or improve a cycle period.



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Nut shell version

Cheap small tank, heater, powerhead & cheap diy light (or a $40 mini might or some such 9w to 18w compact setup)

no substrate. Remeber this is not a display tank or a long term tank. Opinions differ on keeping it up with the live rock and sand. But from people with assome main tanks here on the board and people I know (250g) they use basic quarantine tanks.



Long Version

2.5g to 5g tank then toss everything in it

50 watt heater


If it's a fish some use lights some don't more about the water at this point.


For corals again

2.5 gallon

50 watt heater


Lights. I like my co-workers setup for his corals quarantine

9w 10k

9w actinic

9w 50/50


Hood is a piece of plywood with the lights screwed into it.

Held up by four legs over the tank. Unless being used for quarantine, this sits in a box in the garage.


I don't remember his light order but he starts one at a time over a couple days to let the coral get used to light again. + some corals like more or less light so he has options to play with.

Biggest problem I've seen and read on the board is corals reacting badly after shipping to much light.


No need for live rock or sand. This tank is only to work the new bugger into his new home.


From other post that I've read

(all of these options are done with slowing adding your water into the water the coral comes in)

Some use brand new water in quarantine. Then add tank water

Some just start with tank water.

Plus I've read 10 other ways to sunday to do this.



side note. If you ever use this for a fish copper dip or other treatments. Don't use it as a coral quarantine


Run a search and you will find a lot more info then I could possibly give Search


Thier are some good post here about adding live stock.

Have fun

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Sorry missed the water change part.

I wouldn't use Water Change to fill the quarantine tank.

You do water changes to get rid of excess bio loads

This would make a quarantine tank full of excess bio load.

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