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Cultivated Reef

Oceanic Natural or Instant Ocean or Red Sea Salt?


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I been using Instant Ocean (3lb pack and nearly out) and don't know which kind of salt I should invest in. Google giving me a lot of different answers.


I'm currently running a 6 gallon nano tank.

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Oceanic salt is great.I have been using it for over a year. It dissolves very quickly and has high calcium levels.Only downside is you have to dose Alk because it is low.

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  • 1 month later...
almost every one of the world's leading public aquariums use instant ocean. that's good enough of an endorsement for me.




Most major salt companies produce salt that will be fine for your aquarium. They all have slightly different levels, but it really comes down to preference. I used to use IO and it was a solid salt and as jeremai has said its the most popular by far.

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