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Innovative Marine Aquariums

river reef 94 equipment advice please :)


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Hey all im new here and this will be my first saltwater tank ( i have 2 tropical fish tanks :) ) i have not bought anything yet and im not planning too until i have everything sorted out on paper and in my head


the first part of my plan is complete which is the live stock list


this is my second part of my plan deciding on tank and equipment/upgrades so i have decided on the river reef 94 for my tank and here is a picture with my ideas on it :)


NOTE: this is not my tank this is a picture i got off the internet to help me picture it when i get it currently i have NO tank



forgot the heater! that will probably go in the 3rd compartment with skimmer


advice welcome and appreciated! thanks



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Hi welcome, I'm guessing from tank choice you're from the UK? Filtration you need to ditch the sponge and replace with filter floss and have that with RowaCarbon and RowaPhos if not growing chaeto.


If you are from the UK I can recommend a much better all in one tank for a similar sort of price if you're interested?

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Yeah you'd buy a roll of filter floss and replace it once or twice a week. Sponges just create a Nitrate nightmare!






Provided two links, the tank is around £250 inc stand and seen it for sale around £180 without stand. Second link provides plenty of images for you. Tank comes in black or silver.

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ta very much :D ill have a look at them but until i decide ill pretend im getting a river reef 94 still :)


and good point about the sponges so apart form that all other compartments ok??#



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Yeah you'll need a decent powerhead inside a River Reef, Hydor Koralia would do, and a skimmer is recommended. Note the Betta Lifespace comes with a protein skimmer, uv steriliser, media baskets for easier media storage and fans in the hood all of which the River Reef 94 doesn't come with.

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from what i have read the protein skimmer is very noisy the fans break and are very noisy and the river reef has fans in the hood just no protein skimmer hmmm decisions decisions



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You'd have to check what protein skimmer would fit in the chambers of the RR94. Some ppl actually run without a skimmer in a tank of that size aswell bear in mind. The RR94 is a nice looking tank, i've just heard 2 LFS's say that they recommend the Betta Lifespace 90 and 1 of them doesn't even stock it. What's your budget for tank and stand?

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i dont really have a budget as of yet i can save up for as long as need be :) im in no rush really :)


ill keep looking at the betta space


thanks for all your help :)



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No probs, I think the RR94 with matching cabinet looks better imo and didn't realise it was so cheap, it was £250 last I looked with stand (same as Betta) but you can pick it up now for under £200 (Bargain). I'm sure with a couple upgrades you can have it spot on.


I'm actually saving for the DD 28g CF Quad, found it for £349.99! http://www.cityaquaticscardiff.co.uk/store...08a772c735f29db


No probs, this is the fun part, so enjoy your tank shopping!

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the d&d is very nice indeed i was thinking about getting one but they do cost quite a bit im going to look at prices and compare them all see what i come up with :)





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