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Crazy Algae Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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I have this purple coralline algae??? growing in my aquarium and it seems to be taking over my polyp rock. Anyone know what it is? This is a picture of it before it took over, now its covering the whole top of the rock.

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i can't tell exactly if you're talking about the stuff on the right side or the mesophylum-looking coralline in the lower left underneath the zoanthids.

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well, if it really is covering your zoos just pluck/break them off. sometimes you just have to reach in and grab.


btw, is that an astrae snail toward the lower right (underneath one of the polyps). kinda looks like the pattern of a heliacus snail (zoanthid predator). if your zoos are dying that quickly, i'd doubt it's from light blockage but rather one of these sob's. if it wasn't put in by you i'd take it out. hth

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i was wondering what that was and when i searched for it all i found was "look at my cool snail that came on my polyp rock!!" well i never even thought. consider him worm food. thanks alot. oh yeah all the algae was plucked but it doesnt look like its gonna go for good so im just gonna have to add that to my list of tank maintenence. THANKS!!!

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